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Forums - Sony Discussion - Wheres the Bioshock love at?

First there was the $59.99 price.
Then the reports of it being buggier then the 360 version.
Finaly the exclusive PS3 features turn out to be over priced DLC.

It probably would have done fine at $29.99.

Yet, today, America's leaders are reenacting every folly that brought these great powers [Russia, Germany, and Japan] to ruin -- from arrogance and hubris, to assertions of global hegemony, to imperial overstretch, to trumpeting new 'crusades,' to handing out war guarantees to regions and countries where Americans have never fought before. We are piling up the kind of commitments that produced the greatest disasters of the twentieth century.
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I think it was Microsofts marketing and the strong press that helped the 360 game sell so well.

Unfortunately it got none of that when it released on the PS3.

But it's not all bad for Take Two. The engine is now atleast running on the PS3. They seemed to have many problems porting the game. Didn't they have 3 or 4 studios working on the port at one point? When Bioshock 2 releases multi-platform I'm positive it will get more PS3 love.


I might buy it if i find good bargain but even then only to get all trophies from it and exchange for something else.
If i wanted it seriously I'd get PC version.


The argument that it's fullpriced is just Bullshit! It's still better then most things out there! Just to NOT buy it because of that silly reason and instead buying a worser game for the full-price is even MORE stupid!

Btw, I got it for 35 euro's... Which is FAR FROM full priced! And I loved it! Played it 2 times!

Although I think the DLC that you have to pay for Is BS!


Its a full price game thats been out over a year...why buy it?

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

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Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
I dun like bioshock, in my personal opinion... the graphics are even more fugly then enchanted arms...


 Thats the first time the J man has heard that....

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!

The following was against it from what I read around the internet:

1) year later than 360/PC versions means many who had access to those systems played it

2) Despite it being new to PS3 many clearly felt it was too much to see a full price tag on the game when the 360/PC versions were probably only a few shelves away and showing a much lower price

3) It was seen as a 360 game and was shunned by certain PS3 owners

4) It (unfairly really) got branded as being worse than 360 version - I say unfairly as the only thing I saw was a few errors with some textures which were sorted out quickly with a small patch

I doubt 2K are that disappointed with the sales, though. I suspect the move was more to get the franchise on PS3 ready for a true multiplatform release for number 2.

If they wanted more sales they needed to release it at a lower price.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

I've got my copy but only because I don't have a 360 or a PC capable of running it. If I had either of those I wouldn't have bothered getting the PS3 version.