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Forums - General Discussion - STAR WARS 4-6 or Lord of the rings trilogy?

which out of the two is the greatest trilogy and why?

My personal pick is Lord of the rings I love these movies, I watch it every December of the year its a tradition that been going for 2 years now lol!

And why do people hate star wars 1-3 as to 4-6 I love them both, but I dont really have high expectation I enjoy anything good and I though 1-3 was better than 4-6!

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Star Wars gave more to cinema, but i prefer the LOTR trilogy

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LOTR hands down. Better acting being one of the biggest reasons.

LOTR, though I love Star Wars.

Star Wars. Hands down, but gimme the old ones vs. the new ones. Loved LOTR, but Star Wars - dang. Vader would own everyone in LOTR.

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i love them both, but i have some great memories of Star wars, watching it with my father and him trying to explain the story to me, it was good times, LOTR is probably the better trilogy but my heart belongs to star wars.

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LOTR. Not that I've seen Star Wars 4-6, but from what I have seen, definitely LOTR.


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megaman2 said:

which out of the two is the greatest trilogy and why?

My personal pick is Lord of the rings I love these movies, I watch it every December of the year its a tradition that been going for 2 years now lol!

And why do people hate star wars 1-3 as to 4-6 I love them both, but I dont really have high expectation I enjoy anything good and I though 1-3 was better than 4-6!

"I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened."


Yeah, Lotr, more epic, less cheezy and wasn't tarnished by prequels.

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The original Star Wars was a great trilogy, though the second half of Return of the Jedi was weak. I personally prefer it by a narrow margin.
The prequels were horrific, with 3 being average and the others being abominations of cinema.

Tough choice, both are amazing, but... LotR, then Star Wars (4-6) in a very, very close second. =)