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Forums - Sony Discussion - Rumor: psp4000 late 09 psp2 in development.

Yeah, I can see a pattern here. Problem is - even the most "hard core" fans will stop buying updated PSPs after 1-2 years.

If I did want to buy a PSP - I would probably put off my purchase for another 12 months, and wait for the "next" revision.

Constant revisions tend to annoy the consumer.


On the other hand, a truly "portable" PS2 (wish it could play existing PS2 discs :P) would be great. Then Ninty might actually release the portable "GC player" they are rumoured to be sitting on...

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dharh said:
Sounds good to me. PSP 3000 is a failure because of the screen. Give it a fourth and final shot with a PSP 4000. Give it 2 gig internal memory, better screen, better battery life and i'll buy it.

PSP2 should drop the UMD drive, all software download from the playstation store. Have 2 analog nubs, 4 gig internal memory, better graphics.


 i also want to add to be it a little more ergonomic...

Pointless if they dont give it any games, they will just suffer more losses

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

Relias said:
Does this mean that the PSP isn't included in the 10 year life cycle plan at Sony?? Did Sony lie to us?? Or was that only for the consoles?


Here's a hint. PS2 is on it's 9th year, and still going.

4 ≈ One

I hope they learned their lesson and only incrementally improve the hardware and instead focus on the things that actually matter. The addition of internal storage, improved controls, battery life and digital distribution as well as a concerted effort to attract more third party developers would do more to build a successful handheld than overpowered hardware components. They should be able to achieve all of these things while maintaining a launch price of no more than $250.

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deathcape said:
no..PS2 used to sell at a now it's a profit..

but at the start PS2 sold at a loss

and okay..that's good to know..

I hope that they don't overdo themselves..please..

another PS3 failure...will bankrupt them badly


what are you talking about ? i was saying ps2 aswel to the guy below you. Both are selling at a profit. It's only the ps3 that sells at a loss. In profitability the ps3 is a failure sure. But it's the best damn hardware of any company ever. In that way it's beyond success.

Check out my game about moles ^

PSP2 MUST kill the UMD, this drive is a shame to handhelds, i have to buy them and dump them on my memory card, not to mention hack the OS to make that work, just to have a silent, fast and battery-saving handheld experience, just like it's meant to be...

I think PSP2 should have a Memory Stick-like technology, of course, with some piracy protection...

The PSP2 is going to be very tricky for Sony. They need to price it competitively with the DSi so that it can enjoy sales, and they need to have a constant stream of exclusive content on the system, even if they're console ports, new games in those series.

And the original PSP had a good launch, but a six month drought followed, Sony needs to make sure that when this PSP launches, there is no drought of content.