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Forums - Sony Discussion - Jaffe: Gow already looks 20-30 percent better than trailer

Jaffe: God of War III already looks 20-30% better

Posted on December 15th, 2008 at 22:30

Eat Sleep Play Co-Founder David Jaffe has once again come back to talking about God of War III, reiterating that the footage he previously raved about was not the footage shown during the SpikeTV Video Game Awards. According to Jaffe, the game footage shown in the new trailer is old and the game is already looking 20-30% better.

"What I was raving about has not been shown outside of internal Sony meetings," wrote Jaffe on his blog. "The stuff I saw that I raved about was probably finished 1-2 days before I got to the studios. The Spike stuff I saw had already been turned into Spike so it was 100% older."

"And to give you an idea, the stuff I saw that I raved about looked about 25-30% better than what you see in the Spike footage played on HD. If that’s not exciting and cool enough for you, fair enough. It happened to blow me away and remains the best looking console game I’ve ever seen."

For those of you who missed the trailer last night, be sure to check it out here. Also be sure to check out our screenshot gallery here.




Personally i thought the trailer was awesome.. but if they make it even better :P that's just epic.

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hmm using precentages to describe difference in graphics is just stupid imo.

Although i'll believe him this one time.

That guy sure loves his percentages. As for the trailer of God of War, I found it 94% awesome.

Signature goes here!

I didn't think developers can use percentages for how much better a game could look.


Seems a bit fishy im not a GoW fan... the graphics in the trailer did not impress... so all we got is his word that it looks better :/

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The game is obviously going to look a whole lot better, it's still a year away from launch. Which is plenty of time to touch things up and fine tweak the game engine.

As I stated in the comment section of the video article on the main page, take a look at the difference between Killzone 2 07' footage to Killzone 2 08' footage. There is a massive graphical improvement.


I thought the trailer was awesome enough on it's own merrits :P And seeing as how this game is being released by Sony santamonica (probably one of they're most technically achieved teams), I believe him 120% (I think the game they're working on is probably already better than the footage he got to see ^_~ ) GOW3 BABY!!!!

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

How do you quantify "looks better"?

the2bears - the indie shmup blog
antfromtashkent said:
Seems a bit fishy im not a GoW fan... the graphics in the trailer did not impress... so all we got is his word that it looks better :/


I have it in 1080p on my ps3 and it looks sooo much better than the streamed versions :p Besides it's not only ingame, it's said to be running in 1080p and 60fps.

Check out my game about moles ^

sony fanboy hyping sony game. Get it?