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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 had the best exclusives in 2008 according to IGN (AUS)

There a lot of discussions around the Internet arguing about which consoles has the best exclusives. Well, the Australian edition of IGN made a report analising which home console system had the best exclusives this year.

You can read the full article here:

It's only their opion but I do agree "Sony's system has the highest standard of exclusives, paired with plenty of variety". And 2009 will probably be the same, if not better.

Anyway, competence is a good thing as it makes developers trying to do their best on every gaming system.

Play my LittleBigPlanet level: Mystic Runner. Thanks!

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recognition like this is good for the ego, but sales would be better for the wallet.

I think sony would prefer the second (if they had to choose)

I guess, but as a gamer I prefer the first. And excellent titles lead to sales.

Play my LittleBigPlanet level: Mystic Runner. Thanks!

Sony are lacking in the sales department somewhat but no one can fault them when it comes to their exclusive offerings.

Usul said:
I guess, but as a gamer I prefer the first. And excellent titles lead to sales.

Exactly. Who gives a fuck which one Sony would rather. Having the games directly benifits the gamer.

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If only these exclusives would bloody sell!

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

I agree, PS3 had the best overall exclusives, but GeOW2 is my favorite of the bunch. I'm sure many will disagree with them leaving off Left4Dead.

And indeed it did.


based on opinion of course. Since those exclusives did not sell the most then obviously the rest of the world does not share the same view of the games as these reviewers.

well ps3 exclusives of 2008 were at a higher quality over 360 counter part, i dont say it was miles better or anything but it was better.

2009 i dont think it may not even be comparable, the ps3 list has all the games i want for 2009.

my greatest critisim of sony exclusives of 2008, is that to many were bundled around the same time period, games like motorstorm should have made a summer release etc

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