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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Im a Wii, PS3 and XBox fanboy.

As stated in one of my earlier threads.  All machines have their good points and all machines have their bad points.  Other less educated fanboys can't realised this and like to spend their time winding people up.  Unfortunately some people fall for it.

Only the bad points.  Everything else is good.

Wii - Not HD.  And in this Gen it is important.  I have a 46" screen and the Wii doesn't look that good on it.  But its still about the quality of the game play.

PS3 - Pad.  I really do hate the PS pad.  Always have done.  Sony needs to catch on to the fact that thumbs are not designed to be positioned like that.  Update time.  Its takes forever.

Xbox - Cost of Xbox Live.  I have 2 machines, thats £80 per year to play online.  Rip off.  Noise of the machine. I have to turn the TV up so much.

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Theres nothing wrong with the ps3 pad!

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

I'm a SNES fanboy.

Wanna fight about it?

Proud Owner of: 

250gig FFXIII SE Xbox 360, 250gig Xbox 360 S, black Wii, 120gig PS3 Slim, soon to be 3DS *___*

I actually am a bigger 360 fan, but I prefer the sixaxis setup because the analog sticks are better in my opinion.. but I do agree that the analog sticks should be slid further up. And I wish the L2 & R2 buttons were default triggers on shooter games.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


A fanboy is someone who defends (to no end) one platform, game or product, not several. Per definition you can't be a fanboy if you like all three consoles!
(At least in my book!)

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i'm a Nintendo fanboy undercover.

Mummelmann said:
A fanboy is someone who defends (to no end) one platform, game or product, not several. Per definition you can't be a fanboy if you like all three consoles!
(At least in my book!)

Then that would make him a video game fanboy, and thats exactly what this site needs more of. Maybe then every other thread on the front page wont be someone posting sometype of hate thread on another system. Its pretty damn crazy how personal some ppl take thier preference of gaming system.


I don’t care if they all have good and bad things I still prefer Nintendo and we all prefer one of them even if we have all consoles. I hate MS and Sony but I have a 360 which broke down a few days ago. Damn you MS and your RRoD!!
And yes I will buy a PS3 as soon as there is something on it that I like but still I am a Nintendo fanboy and will always be!

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

One day, you'll have to choose my friend, you'll have to choose ...

You forgot to mention the fact that the Wii has No More Heroes and therefore is vastly superior to the 360 and PS3.