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Forums - Sony Discussion - Square developer sounds off on which is better: 360 or PS3

LOL DJ, that's pretty much the gist of it isn't it? :P *sigh* Oh well though, what can you do?

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ChronotriggerJM said:
LOL DJ, that's pretty much the gist of it isn't it? :P *sigh* Oh well though, what can you do?

Play Resistance 2.

@DJ o... m.... g... that really is a great solution @_@ I want to play it right now so bad... I've got a 30 soldier and spec-ops now :D Working on medic~

On Topic. Games make on ps3 first then ported down to the 360 work better than some of the 360's exclusives ;/ take that how you will. Maybe they should all jump on board with the proper way to make a friggin game.

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

I don't get the talking of " The easiest option is rarely the best." Or the "PS3 one will be better, just takes longer"

If something is easier to do they can do more, so I don't see why it wouldn't be better.

You can bring up oh Killzone 2 is gonna be amazing or something. But heck how long have we been waiting. If on the 360 we might be waiting for Killzone 3 already. I mean didn't Killzone 2 win some award like 2 years ago at that e3, and final fantasy 13 was shown like before the PS3 was even released.


Oddly, if Microsoft had never bothered entering the console race, the HD games would only be developed on the PS3, and production time would be significantly lower ^_^ Odd how that works?

And yes, developing on the PS3 "makes games better". It's a finicky console and likes code that's properly built. You can throw crap on the 360 and make it work, which is why ports from it generally look and run like ass. Which might also explain why many of it's exclusive titles underwhelm as far as tech is concerned. Easier =/= better... in fact, it almost never does >_>

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So they are basically saying their developing team is incompetent.

i tried last remnant at my nephews house and i really liked it, i hope more of his games make it to the 360. cause untill i get a new 360 at star ocean 4's launch , i will keep enjoying his game on my nephews 360, then i will buy my own copy of it.





*sighs* I mean come on... this is ridiculous... easier can be better, but not necessarily. Better can be easier, but not always. We can mince words all day long. We all know that it's easier to develop games on the 360. It does not make the 360 a better platform (which is what this thread title implies). There are alot more things to take into consideration. That being said, it seems that Sony's platform is needlessly complicated and I think developers take exception to that. Some won't want to take the time to master the learning curve... after all, time is money.

I buy consoles for their games... not the other way around.

Kingdom Hearts III for Xbox 360

well people should stop acting like he's the only developer that said so, almost everyone has said the 360 is easier to develop for. ps3 is much more advanced and some developers havent gotten used to it yet.