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Forums - General Discussion - What you getting for Christmas?

Im getting new TV, Resisatance 2, Motorstorm 2, Tv ariel, and blu rays

Help I cant get my trophy card to work.

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animal xing... hopefuly

LittleBigPlanet, Simpsons DVDs.

I've got a cutback on my budget 'cause I'm going on holiday over the Christmas holiday (Skiing).

some socks, a tie, some shirts and candy.

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i sure hope santa brings vicky this year

I have no idea..

I have pretty much everything I want. If I don't have it I always go out and buy it myself.

I told people not to get me anything but I know they're going to anyway.

Sony Bravia 40W4500!!! (though I had to pay for most of it) and Mirrors Edge, Prince of Persia, MS 2 and R2 and a few bds

I dont know I like surprises.

i want a new tv