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What requesits should a game have to be considered an AAA?


- Expensive development? - Me thinks not

- Good ratings? - Part of it, just look at the reviews for Counter Strike. Are meh and the game is popular though.

- Good sales? - Hmmmm.... Disgaea 3 and Valkyria Profile aren't exactly brilliant sellers , but they are definetly good games.

- Good comunity involved? - I don't play WoW, so I don't know.




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A game that receives a general rating of 90 or higher by reviewers.

Pixel Art can be fun.

Metacritic/gamerankings score, that has been the case always.

AAA is the case when reviewers by and large, majority speaking, say that it is such.

in the end, if you want the answer to be easier, if most reviewers rate it 90 or above, its AAA.

and i know you're posting this because i pointed out that the wii has the fewest number of AAA games. look at any review site. you'll find the wii has the least number of 90+ games.

and there really is no question about the wii being 95% shovelware and having very very few AAA games (maybe 5).

I actually posted this question on another thread, and the answer given by RolStoppable was pretty much the same. And since that particular thread will probably be locked soon, I'll repost my question here.

Okay, so an AAA game is defined by its metascore, and it has to be over 90 (+/- 10 depending on the source). Here's another question: Why should anyone give a fuck whether a game is an AAA game or not?

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because a rating of 90+ means it's of high quality. very simple really.

Esa-Petteri said:
Metacritic/gamerankings score, that has been the case always.

So how come a game like Counter strike that got low ratings is being considered by many gamers an AAA title?


it has never been considered AAA by itself. counterstrike is a mod of Half Life, which is the AAA game.

so if you want to think about it that way, CS can be AAA because it is based off of Half Life. but strictly speaking, its not. its just a mod that became really popular.

and popularity does not make AAA. Wii Sports is not AAA even if millions of people bought it.

bugrimmar said:
it has never been considered AAA by itself. counterstrike is a mod of Half Life, which is the AAA game.

so if you want to think about it that way, CS can be AAA because it is based off of Half Life. but strictly speaking, its not. its just a mod that became really popular.

and popularity does not make AAA. Wii Sports is not AAA even if millions of people bought it.


Nice point. So if a game that has good ratings but the overall gaming community says that it sucks hard and the game completely bombs - Beyong good&evil - it stills a AAA?

bugrimmar said:
because a rating of 90+ means it's of high quality. very simple really.

How is it high quality, and on what metric besides the score? Games don't have any reviewing standards whatsoever, besides the current "<75 = BAD" - trend. And I'm also pretty sure there are no definitions for a "High Quality" game besides arbitrary examples and a high metascore, which the game can receive for various different reasons, both honest and dishonest.

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