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Forums - Sales Discussion - Xbox 360 Sales Double PS3 Sales as Sony Remains Blind to Reality

Sony is being patient hoping that sales pick up overnight. How oblivious is Sony? Look at the spin here: Sony is dead last they say: "We have momentum going in to the holiday season". Who is Sony paying for there PR? Fire them! This is why no one likes Sony. I know they want to spin the numbers in a good way but when it's this bad they should be talking about how they're going to fix it. Not about having momentum.

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Online IDs: PSN: computermaximus, XBL: computermaximus

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if you look on other forums, they still think others number are faked
just look at these N4g forums :

maybe not 100% correct, but vgchartz getting better.

TKC-Muzzer said:
Stop being idiots. the 360 is half the price it should sell more, they are both selling the same values worth. M$ will be losing a fair bit of money trying to get consoles into peoples houses but were are their exclusives for next year , that's right no where. M$ have no where to go whilst Sony still have the price cut up their sleeves. At the end of the day they have to make money and slashing the price which would cost them millions is not the way. They are successful for a reason and neither you or i are qualified to judge it. They have sold 18 mill in two years, that's 18 million. Just because M$ are cutting prices, they are doing so, not because they can afford it but because they know at sometime the Playstation brand will come through. If the PS3 and 360 ere identical prices M$ are full aware the the PS3 would sell better.

Microsfts deals are misleading to many buyers as these people are unaware of the extras they will require at a later date, they have whacked a £130 tag on, flogged it to death with some completely unaware of how stripped down the arcade is, i mean some buyers are not ware there are 3 SKU's. Any company who continues to ram the price down peoples thoughts is not confident of advertising the benefits over the competition.

This is not 100% true "Muzzer". Before MS price drop the 360 was outselling the PS3 in the US and made strides to be a 1:1 seller in Japan. Sony was winning others at the time by about 20,000 units a week. Sony thought they had others in the bag but after the price drop in Others the 360 has been winning decisively.

The part about people not knowing about the arcade is total hogwash. The arcade clearly says on the box that there is no Hard Drive on the unit. Also, most stores tell consumers that the other 2 SKUs offer more. I think you are drinking the Sony Kool-Aid "Muzzer".


Now Playing: Crysis 2

Last Finished: BulletStorm

Online IDs: PSN: computermaximus, XBL: computermaximus

Sony only dropped the price to $400 in 2007 to win the HD format war. They seem less interested in marketshare and more in reducing losses now that HD-DVD is dead and buried. If HD-DVD still existed, the PS3 would be in the $300-$350 price range right now. Sony must see more profit in Blu-Ray than Playstation. Now that their is $200 Blu-Ray players on the market they dont need to worry about expanding the BR install base via the PS3.

Just a thought.

sony's hands are tied. i don't think they are blind, they just can't do anything about it given the current worldwide economic situation.

my brother is looking for a BD player and all roads are leading to the ps3 because of it's tremendous value for it's price.

i don't know if it's that people are not looking at the ps3 for what it is or if it's not what they want (an all-in-one box).

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Yeah I bet that Sony has absolutly no idea why they are selling so badly. Those hundreds or thousands of people with degrees in marketing obviously have no clue about anything :D

I mean seriously how ignorant people can be when commenting something ?


Wow, that ninsass guy is in some kind of denial...

The surge of the PS3 in others remain to be seen.Vgchartz numbers are ,after my point of view ,more due to MS chest beating than anything.

But MS hasnt said at any moment that they are doubling PS3 sales ,as vgchartz is putting in their charts .Only in UK.I would assume the other countries are pretty even or the PS3 is recovering the lead slowly.

I expect big adjustements coming in some months once the usual post christmas GFK numbers start to leak.

look at neogaf same thing, they still thing price cut not affecting others region
or go to ps3forums same thing happened, they deny 360 have vey good sales on others region.

And after all the denial, the VGC numbers will prove once again to be closer to the real deal provided by the companies. Always has been.

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