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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony will do very well in 2009. fact.

Devise01 said:
kirby007 said:
I don't believe in a pricedrop in Q1 or Q2 or Q3 or even Q4 in 2009


Sony needs to show profit.

Why the hell would you go even deeper in the red, if sony as a whole is weak....?

We might see another fire sale bait and switch. 80GB at $400, and the new low end SKU is 160GB at $400. Those seem to be pretty popular with Sony.



They might drop the price, but I don't think that it will have the impact that people expect ...

At $300 the PS3 is still too expensive as a gaming machine for most people who don't own a current generation console, and is expensive as a second/third console for most people who already have bought into this generation. The Blu-Ray drive does add some value, but there have already been Blu-Ray players sold for $150 (Canadian) and by the time the PS3 is $300 you could see $100 MSRP on no-name Blu-Ray players (which limits the added value of the PS3's Blu-Ray capabilities).

Around the Network
Crystalchild said:

Hey Guys, there are much "Sony is going to die" threads, but if you look forward : is PS3´s situation and future really that bad?

No, it simply isnt.

in 2009...


- Killzone II Will come, and it will be awesome. (Awesome Graphics, stunning effects.... a nice shooter, no one can say something else about it.)

- Final Fantasy versus XIII (one of the most loved Square Enix franchise´s : Final Fantasy. and vXIII will be only for PS3...dont worry about Infinite Undiscovery and Last Remnant... :P)

- WHOAA! ...look at the Teaser of God of War III, and watch the leaked Pics of Uncharted 2 - they both are looking awesome - and they are still in development.

- Patented Motion Control: Sony is able to create new Kinds of Games with Wii-like Controls : and Microsoft cant copy it ;) (so there is a new Partythingy - Singstar, Eyetoy and Buzz are getting reinforcements :P)

- RPGS!  - Final Fantasy Versus XIII, White Knight Stories/Chronicles, Demons Souls - and the Multiplat´s : Sacred 2 / The Witcher : Rise of the White Wolf   -- every game looks promising.

- Bigger, Better, and more Badass: God of War III, Uncharted : Among Thieves, Killzone 2, Yakuza 3, Gran Turismo 5, InFamous, MAG, Quantum Theory and more will rock !

- Pricedrop: Produce a Bluray drive will be cheaper after time, and Sony will be able to sell PS3 a little bit cheaper.


and if you look into the future:


- Sony has a new Format: Blu ray. until the next generation arrives: it will be much faster, and there will be Discs, that can store hundreds of Gigabyte´s. And Games WILL be bigger, so Microsoft must: a.) buy the Blu ray license´s from Sony / b.)  create a new kind of disc. both options are expensive, so sony will be able to sell PS4 earlier to a lower Price then Microsoft its 720 ;)  (so it will be vice versa to the present sitation.)



The Sun will shine for Sony - later, but it will.


 So much dirt to comment on... here I go - from top to bottom........

1.  TIP:  Any topic title with the word "fact" in it can almost imediately be discounted as opinion.

2.  I can say truthfully that I am not interested AT ALL in Killzone 2, and I am far from the only one.  Plus, "the play's the thing" - Shakespeare.

3.  Agreed.  The question will be how far behind MS will Sony be when these titles release?  Uncharted 2 looks much better to my eyes than GoW3, but that's another thread.

4.  Yeah patented, because, you know, there is only one way to skin a cat.  As for patents in the field of motion tech, Microsofts Freestyle Pro (released in the last century) says "hola".

5.  Only one of those you listed, Witcher, is an actual RPG.  If you mean "fantasy game" then yes, those will be good - looking forward to Versus a lot.  Sacred 2 will most likely be a slow and frustrating bugfest like the first one.  "Titan Quest" was much more fun, and D3 will be the finest iteration yet.

6.  Agreed, but as someone who ALREADY owns a PS3 (60 GIG FTW), I would rather Sony keep the price up and get actually profit this generation.

7.  Contrary to the people that think MS will use a different format of optical (HD-DVD seems to be the soup of the day here) MS will most likely use Blu-Ray so that it has maximum convergence.  However, you are fooling yourself if you think that this will be a HUGE cost.  Most likely 10 to 20 dollars for the license, and far less than half of that goes to Sony.

8.  The BD license will NOT enable Sony to sell their next console cheaper than MS.  Only intelligent engineering and foresight will.

For the record, SONY ISN'T GOING ANYWHERE.  The PS3 will be just fine.  I would not have bought one if I had any doubt, and I do not (and will not ever) own a 360.  The haters and doomsayers are sadly mistaken, but to combat illogic with gross illogic does nothing for camp Sony.




Microsoft will be there to counter every major PS3 release.

360 will outsell PS3 YTD for 2008. (CHECK!)
360 will have the best showing at E3 & TGS in 2009
2009 will be another year for the 360 over PS3
End OF 2009 SALES :: 360 - 40M;  PS3 - 30M; Wii - 70M

I just wish I could get my PS3 to connect to my dsl. It gives me a can't find dns message every time.

Heavens to Murgatoids.

I think Sony's biggest obstacle and easiest routue to success is the PS3's price point , the PS3 has generaly sold well or badly regardless of the software support it had with some notable exceptions.

Around the Network
Zombl337 said:
Microsoft will be there to counter every major PS3 release.


MS have something to counter GT5? WOW first I heard of that.


RPG said:
Zombl337 said:
Microsoft will be there to counter every major PS3 release.


MS have something to counter GT5? WOW first I heard of that.

Well, FM3 sure has a chance to sell well like FM2 did and even better (and may be, just may be, PGR5 not so far away from announce, but I doubt it will be out in 2009). Not so big fan of the genre but anyway MKWii looks like a best-selling racing game of all time to me ^_^ The funny thing is... even if all PS3 owners would buy GT5 it still won't outsell MKWii.


Devise01 said:

Why don't people believe that motion controllers are coming to the 360 and PS3?!?!?!

Sony and Microsoft have been copying each other left, right and center. Do you really believe they aren't going to copy the main feature/gimmic of the Wii that it driving it to be an amazing success?!?

Come on. Wake up people.

I'm thinking the next Xbox and the PS4.


Given the world economic crisis, I would be very worried about 2009 if I was Sony.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

Now Playing
Switch - Super Mario Maker 2 (2019)
Switch - The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (2019)
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3DS - Star Fox 64 3D (2011)
3DS - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (Trilogy) (2005/2014)
Wii U - Darksiders: Warmastered Edition (2010/2017)
Mobile - The Simpson's Tapped Out and Yugioh Duel Links
PC - Deep Rock Galactic (2020)

Sony does, supposedly, have a very large number of cool exclusives coming in 2009, in addition to all the crossplats coming to the X360 as well:

Exclusive BD games (2009):
Killzone 2
Ratchet & Clank Future 2
God of War 3
Gran Turismo 5
Heavy Rain
Jak and Daxter: Lost Frontier
Twisted Metal PS3
Uncharted 2
White Knight Chronicles

Exclusive MMOs(2009):
The Agency
DC Universe Online
Free Realms

Fat Princess
Ragdoll Kungfu
Dark Mist

The coolest thing about this exclusives list, is that many of these titles are 1st party... and if history tells us anything, Sony's 1st party development is usually excellent.  Microsoft has played the "we're holding our cards" move, but I'm sure they must have more than Halo 3: Recon, Halo Wars, Ninja Blade, and Alan Wake exclusives coming.

Hmmm. Whats Dark Mist?

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)