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Forums - General Discussion - Your favourite movies/films of 2008

I'll throw in Dark Knight and Wall-E....but I haven't seen any of the Oscar movies yet.

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i thought dark knight was a great film good choice but Wall E did its job to entertain little children but could not compete with dark knight

wow Tropic Thunder was one of the most disappointing films of 2008, thank god I didnt pay to see it cos I gave up half way through, the only chuckle I got was from the director being blown up, and that meant the death of the funniest character.

@Dogsforlife I watched dark knight and thought it was brilliant and thinking about it I liked it more than Tropic Thunder. Brilliant acting and effects. I never saw Wall-E as it wasnt aimed at my age category so wouldnt enjoy it, but im sure its good.

Help I cant get my trophy card to work.

thats my point the film was ment to be funny but was not funny

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stovo said:
@Dogsforlife I watched dark knight and thought it was brilliant and thinking about it I liked it more than Tropic Thunder. Brilliant acting and effects. I never saw Wall-E as it wasnt aimed at my age category so wouldnt enjoy it, but im sure its good.



good come to your senses now dark knight was great film only beaten by taken

dogsforlife said:
stovo said:
@Dogsforlife I watched dark knight and thought it was brilliant and thinking about it I liked it more than Tropic Thunder. Brilliant acting and effects. I never saw Wall-E as it wasnt aimed at my age category so wouldnt enjoy it, but im sure its good.



good come to your senses now dark knight was great film only beaten by taken



Is taken that good? If it is when is it coming to blu-ray/DVD?

Help I cant get my trophy card to work.

yo stovov movies and films are the same but in ya thread it says movies/films
dark knight great keith ledger performance as the joker ledgendary

is a man not entitled to the sweat of his own brow ?




lots of people like the dark knight so i'd say it must have made alot of money

The Dark knight, iron man, hellboy 2....incredible hulk and quamtum and wall-e were okay....hancock was great

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
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