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BEAUMONT, Texas (AP) -- Police called to a variety store by a burglar alarm overnight found a toddler inside, playing with the toys. Police said store surveillance video showed the unidentified boy trying to open one of the front doors to a Family Dollar store about 3 a.m. Monday, only to find it locked. But the second door was unlocked and the child went inside.

That triggered the silent alarm.

Detective Randy Stevens said the child apparently unlocked a door at his nearby home, got out, then crossed a multilane street to reach the store.

A canvass of the neighborhood turned up a family member searching for the child.

CPS spokeswoman Shari Pulliam said Child Protective Services claimed oversight of a 4-year-old boy during a review of the incident. The boy will be allowed to stay with other relatives, not the parents, during the CPS review period.

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Shoulda locked the second door.

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Those crazy 4 year olds.

I don't see why the boy can't stay with his parents. It was 3 a.m. when he got out. They had the door locked. It's not like it was their fault. They were probably sleeping anyway.

My friend and I "broke into" our school when we were 6 or 7. We had forgotten our backpacks at school, and went back later on the day to get them. We opened the fire-exit door (which was unlocked), and went in. Then an alarm went off, and the door closed. It gets a bit blurry here, but I believe we went into the restroom (toilet area), and closed the door, as the sound of the alarm was insanely loud. We then played some Pokemon on our Gameboys. The alarm turned off (I guess because a police officer or securitas guard game to check, and turned off the alarm), so we finished what we were doing, and went outside. The door was now open, and we went out.

The next day, we were told to check if anything was missing, as there had been a burglar there.

The perfect crime :P

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

does dound like a good crime

Around the Network

does it count as breaking in if they left the door open?

no not really nothing was broken

Silly really, I mean he shoud be allowed to stay with his parents, it wasn't their fault and they were out looking for him.

I say that they are actually good parents to notice their son went missing at 3 A.M. when they should have been sleeping.

I blame wii fit

Wetcoaster said:
Those crazy 4 year olds.

I don't see why the boy can't stay with his parents. It was 3 a.m. when he got out. They had the door locked. It's not like it was their fault. They were probably sleeping anyway.

Because that's the way our system is, they must take this type of precaution first to ensure the safety of the child.

At least the child is with family, not some temporary home with people they don't even know, which happens more often.

As long as they are ok people, they will have their kid back quickly.


Wow, at 4 i couldnt do anything!

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
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