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Forums - Sales Discussion - Did Motorstorm really sold one million copies? The Math just don't add up

I mean maybe LBP because it is marketed and have hype around it. But there is no way on Gods Green Earth that motorstorm 2 sold anywhere near 500,000 units. I mean this game came out in Oct and it wasn't on the Oct top 20 NPD game chart

Also, in November it was worse.

In Japan this game sold only 6,500 copies in the first week which was 11/17/08- 11/23/08.

Also, the game was placed at #29 on the UK chart when debuted and slipped down to #35 on its second week.

Is there like a mad bundle or something like the original Motorstom that are not counted? Because they is no wayt in hell that this game even sold 1/2 of the 1 million figures to customers.

Also you know if a game is discounted only about 1 - 2 months upon its release, you know the retailers have too many unsold copies and they are trying to get rid of some stock. Well, Best Buy is selling the game for under 40 bucks this week.

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dont search for logic when it comes to sales numbers for sony -published ps3 games . Simply accept the fact that ,since we dont have npd for europe , these numbers make some people sleep better at night .

I actually am thinking of buying this game new for 40 bucks. The only problem I see is when I play it over at my bud's place. There are hardly anyone online to play with.

Also, Midnight Club LA is my new racing game ATM. That game is awesome.

It's heavily discounted and has bundles.


Cos as we all know, the UK is the only market in europe....

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

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I already explained why the game didnt make sense to you but you told me to give it up and i was wrong so i wont be repeating myself

KylieDog said:

If you check website for MSPR you'll see it sold out sometimes. It is apparently selling.


It is also bundled quite well.

....and yet it is long gone from the U.K top-40.

colonelstubbs said:
Cos as we all know, the UK is the only market in europe....

the game never appeared on any other european chart

So by those that still belives that this game sold over a million, then games like Far Cry 2 and Dead Space must have sold 1 million as well as they were charted higher than Motorstorm 2.

I really hope this gae sells well because it will help the PS3 out financially but I really see those numbers. Also, VGchartz have the game at 350,000 sold in All. Theyt can't be that much off can they?

RayRay102 said:
So by those that still belives that this game sold over a million, then games like Far Cry 2 and Dead Space must have sold 1 million as well as they were charted higher than Motorstorm 2.

I really hope this gae sells well because it will help the PS3 out financially but I really see those numbers. Also, VGchartz have the game at 350,000 sold in All. Theyt can't be that much off can they?


 i already explained this all to you...