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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Bring Donkey Kong back!!!!!!! NOW

If it were released today, with exactly the same controller and graphics, Donkey Konga would be a HUGE hit.

Just thinking out loud....quietly...with text.

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Donkey Kong Country 4 would be AMAZING

get on that Nintendo.

Really bad confession:

I was so happy that my dad bought me Donkey Kong with my Colecovision that I made a string art of the first level for him... (Yes, in the early 80's... String art... Board covered in black velvet, with nails and colored string)...

Looking back, what would a 40 year old guy do with string art of the first donkey kong level from their kid?

theRepublic said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:
theRepublic said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:

I'd rather have a 2D Metroid. The Donkey Kongs didn't really stand out as anything extra special. They were good, but I liked Mario better (and almost everyone did), and 2D platformers today are now so much better than the DKs, that I don't really see why another one would be anything super.


How do you call the best pure platformers on the SNES (after Mario) nothing special?  And what 2D platformer of today is so great?


Maybe because I don't think it is the 2nd best then in the 4th gen...?

I'm not sure the 2D platformers of today that I like are puro platformers (Only NSMB and YIDS that I can think of).

I don't know, but 2D (sidescrolling) just seems so incredibly much better nowadays. I guess I'm just touched in the head.

I was never a fan of Sonic if that's what you're talking about.

I haven't played any great 2D platformers lately, but then again, I don't keep up with the handhelds either.  I've heard that NSMB is very good (it's Mario so of course it is good), but I don't recognize "YIDS".  Any other recomendations?

Yoshi's Island DS

DK isn't bad, but I personally feel it is overrated compared to the other Nintendo games at the time, and don't get the fuzz (I'm a N64 generation person though, so I lost the greatness of the 2D era).

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

Oyvoyvoyv said:
theRepublic said:

I was never a fan of Sonic if that's what you're talking about.

I haven't played any great 2D platformers lately, but then again, I don't keep up with the handhelds either.  I've heard that NSMB is very good (it's Mario so of course it is good), but I don't recognize "YIDS".  Any other recomendations?

Yoshi's Island DS

DK isn't bad, but I personally feel it is overrated compared to the other Nintendo games at the time, and don't get the fuzz (I'm a N64 generation person though, so I lost the greatness of the 2D era).


I grew up with an SNES, so I could be looking at DKC through rose colored glasses, but I would love to see a DKC4.  I thought the 3D one didn't feel like DKC very much.

You mentioned 2D Metroid, and that would be sweet.  I just don't really view it as a platformer.  To me it was a action/adventure/shooter/platformer.  So that's why I say the DKC franchise was number 2 after Super Mario World and Super Mario World: Yoshi's Island on the SNES.

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You know what I was thinking? The reason they re-released "Jungle Beat" as a Wii title might be because they want to experiment with the gameplay so they can implement it on "Jungle Beat 2" or any other Donkey Kong title. Remember, they DID have a DK game in development back when the Wii was released.

Unfortunately, the Donkey Kong series has gone downhill because of Rare being gone, to the point that if they tried making a WiiWare sequel, it just wouldn't feel right because it wouldn't be Rare making it. =/

"After you win, son, I feel like going for a ride on your bike, haha." ~Doc Louis (Punch Out Wii)



To be perfectly honest I LOVED the DKC games, especially part 2. It captured my imagination in the biggest way possible. But all of this talk about Rare should end. Yes, they made great games, but they are gone now. Its NINTENDO'S franchise now, meaning that they do whatever they want with it. Jungle Beat was a great game so I have hope that they can make great DK games once more.

Rare is gone. Accept it.

pap64 said:
To be perfectly honest I LOVED the DKC games, especially part 2. It captured my imagination in the biggest way possible. But all of this talk about Rare should end. Yes, they made great games, but they are gone now. Its NINTENDO'S franchise now, meaning that they do whatever they want with it. Jungle Beat was a great game so I have hope that they can make great DK games once more.

Rare is gone. Accept it.

DK series (Pre Rare): Sub par at best

DK series (Rare): AWESOME
DK series (after rare): downhill, fast


That is why I wish Rare still had a huge influence, Nintendo apparently doesn't want it to succeed, even with DKC1, Shiggy didn't like it, so apparently he got his revenge on it after Rare was sold.


"After you win, son, I feel like going for a ride on your bike, haha." ~Doc Louis (Punch Out Wii)



pap64 said:
To be perfectly honest I LOVED the DKC games, especially part 2. It captured my imagination in the biggest way possible. But all of this talk about Rare should end. Yes, they made great games, but they are gone now. Its NINTENDO'S franchise now, meaning that they do whatever they want with it. Jungle Beat was a great game so I have hope that they can make great DK games once more.

Rare is gone. Accept it.


Except for the fact that they can still develop for the DS.


Although that doesn't change the fact that in reality, all hope for DKC4 on DS developed by Rare remains nothing more than a faint yet fantastic dream...