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Forums - Sales Discussion - Littlebigplanet, Valkyria Chronicles Sales Disappoint

docholliday said:
MDMAniac said:
docholliday said:
If this game is trully gonna be the casual shot in the arm sony was looking for its gonna take time for it to show it can not only move units right now, but still be moving units 6,7,8 months down the road.


Casual is what any game asking you to create content is not. LBP is core title, it's seeking for everyone's luv doesn't mean it's casual. And its sales being rather front-loaded just prove it, if you ask me. Look into Wii Music data, that's what they call casual. Started well below LPB and now it's outselling it like two times.


And there is no doubt LBP was meant to reach out the casual audience as well as the "hardcore" as it has elements for both. You can pick it up and goof all with some friends, download and play a ridiculous amount of user created lvls, OR you can make your own lvl. Point is you dont even have to touch the lvl creator to enjoy the game, but its there for the ppl who want it and it benefits everyone else who gets to play thier content.


I haven't even touched the create aspect yet, I have Gold Play Trophy, but not a single Create one. This game is fantastic for the play aspect alone. I don't think people who claim the create aspect makes this game too complicated for casuals have even played the game, it can be completely ignored.


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Torillian said:

Halo-esque marketing budget?  Are you kidding me here?


The game was in news lines since I don't even remember. Sony tried to push LBP really hard, it's just that their marketing was crap as usual, but the budget for all the ads and media coverage was certainly huge. Honestly, don't you remember these boards were all waving crazy for LPB months before the release? The hype was certainly on pretty same level with Halo, the only difference is that it was outside FPS crowd, not inside.