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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - What is it with 360 fanboys?

Thechalkblock said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Thechalkblock said:
numonex said:
The XBox 360 fans are logical.


No. Neither is logical. There are more PS3 owners on this site first off. Second I have seen so many irrelogical 360 fanboys it makes me sick.

As opposed to PS3 owners? I've never seen so many PS3 owners disown logic just help out their belief in the superiority and infallibility of Sony.



No PS3 owners are the same, I just know more people with 360's and see more online. Except on this site for some reason. That is why I said neither was logical.

       Every fanboy suck, the end. No need go ahead to fight over who is better, because they both suck either way.


Around the Network reason PS3 fans are more vocal this gen because there in last place(so far idk), when last gen the PS2 fans did less defending they let the games do the talking and the eventually PS2 winning the console war last gen..Now they can't Handle being the TOP dog Anymore.

Playing Assassin's Creed and Resident evil 5 <3

I dont want to be fanboy anymore...Why? it takes to much work but i will call on ppl on there B.S!!!:)

Dodece said:
There is a differentiation between fans and fanatics. I try to not use the moniker, because my spell check tells me it is not a word. A fan is tempered in presentation. They feel it is incumbent upon them to support their arguments with facts, observations, or deductive logic. A fanatic is fueled by faith and emotion. A fanatic will attack, spout propaganda, and defy insurmountable logic with insults. For them it is all raw emotion. They are hurtful, because it makes them feel better about themselves. They are not objective, and they are primarily reactionary.

The difference the original poster is noting. Is not a qualitative difference in the fanatic populations. What the original poster is taking notice of is a difference in the demographic. Both the Microsoft and Nintendo camps are dominated predominantly by fans. While the Sony camp has a disproportionate number of fanatics. Which are far more vocal then their fan brethren.

So in a sense what the original poster is taking note of is true for these forums. The Sony camp is more fanatical, and less rational. Due in no small part to the concerted efforts of what is affectionately known as the Sony Defense Forces. Unfortunately the PS3 probably ensured this outcome due to its launch and market position. Who will spend six hundred dollars on a console. Well a fanatic will, and who will argue a losing fight. Well a fanatic will. Who can overlook glaring faults well a fanatic can.

So right out of the gate from launch through the first year the console accumulated more then its fair share of fanatics. Were the console to have launched at sixty percent of its launch price you would have probably found more fans thinning the mix as it were. I do feel a sort of empathy for the Sony fans. They get a raw deal from the other camps who often stereotype what it means to be a Sony fan based on the behavior of the fanatics, and the Sony fans can hardly be heard over the incessant bullshit that the fanatics spout.

I feel the same way. I'm just more argumentative than you are.


flame, you are a 360 fanboy, and not in a good way.

Stay out of the Sony forum.

~flame said: reason PS3 fans are more vocal this gen because there in last place(so far idk), when last gen the PS2 fans did less defending they let the games do the talking and the eventually PS2 winning the console war last gen..Now they can't Handle being the TOP dog Anymore.


Last gen the XBOX fanboys were the PS3 fanboys. They boasted graphics and power quality while the PS2 defended the system saying it was more about quality and quantity in the PS2 game library rather than graphics. The nintendo fans say the same thing every year and have the best argument. Nintendo is the last true videogame company left. Sony fans turned into turned into hypocrites. As the old PS2 installed base was forced to choose between the 360, Wii and PS3.

Around the Network


amp316 said:

Honestly there are jerks in all of the groups and I don't exactly agree with the original post. 




Ender said:
flame, you are a 360 fanboy, and not in a good way.

Stay out of the Sony forum.

????..Do you know how stupid you sound? i just provided the info no WAY in that thread i bashed the PS3.. Please point out where i bashed the PS3?


Playing Assassin's Creed and Resident evil 5 <3

I dont want to be fanboy anymore...Why? it takes to much work but i will call on ppl on there B.S!!!:)

~flame said:
Ender said:
flame, you are a 360 fanboy, and not in a good way.

Stay out of the Sony forum.

????..Do you know how stupid you sound? i just provided the info no WAY in that thread i bashed the PS3.. Please point out where i bashed the PS3?




Clearly you posted that stuff to piss off Sony fans.   It was flamebait.  Don't be coy.  ;)


It depends on the forum. All consoles have illogical fanatics...

Ender said:
~flame said:
Ender said:
flame, you are a 360 fanboy, and not in a good way.

Stay out of the Sony forum.

????..Do you know how stupid you sound? i just provided the info no WAY in that thread i bashed the PS3.. Please point out where i bashed the PS3?




Clearly you posted that stuff to piss off Sony fans.   It was flamebait.  Don't be coy.  ;)



He posted reports from sites.