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Forums - PC Discussion - Can someone help me remove this trojan virus form my PC?!?!? Please! :(

Time to format your PC my friend.

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i told you not to visit naughty sites, they give you trojans, viruses, etc

but anyways when did this start? if it was not long ago, try doing a system restore

Take out your windows disc and reinstall. Start buy typing: "format c:\" in the command prompt.

You can try to fight and remove the virus through manual removers, registry editing, system restores, virus scanning, etc. By the time you are fed up with that, you could have reinstalled you whole OS.

11ht11 said:
i told you not to visit naughty sites, they give you trojans, viruses, etc

but anyways when did this start? if it was not long ago, try doing a system restore


I'm actually going to take a wild guess and say the virus has probably disabled and deleted all the restore points.

Well to do a system restore, go Start>All Programs>Accessories>System Tools>System Restore

If there are any dates prior to when you got the virus, you should try to restore using that, it should fix and registry problems caused by the virus.

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They helped me with a very difficult virtumonde removal.

the2bears - the indie shmup blog

Do you have Norton Anitivirus???

If not go buy it or another antivirus software. They can usually get rid of all the bugs.

If that doesn' work you'll have to reformat your PC.

You should've stopped frequenting those Adult sites so much when you had the chance :(

Well maybe this'll teach you something =b

EDIT: Oh you got it this saturday? then you computer probably still has System Restore points before saturday, unless the virus deleted them anyway, to do that got to Accesories in the start menu then go to System Tools and then there should be a System rEstore option. Try that and if it doesnt work try the other things I mentioned.

Okay, let me start.

First try a system restore, will fix many problems, but viruses are usually smarter than that.

If that doesn't work, you will need to reinstall your OS. This will require a format (to get rid of the virus) and will erase all of your data. Depending on what kind of a PC you have and whether or not you have all the required discs to perform a reinstall.

download the programm "hijackthis", make a log and post it in a forum associated with the programm (for example this one - but there are several of them) - people there will be able to help you

Soriku said:
Hmm...attempting to do a system restore, but won't let me go back to last month. The earliest system restore point shown was yesterday and problems were still there...



Then the Virus probably disabled your later restore points :(

Do you have an anti virus software like Norton???