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Forums - Sony Discussion - SDF hacks Washington Post!

Look at this:

What's more, look at PS3 and Xbox 360 units sold in total worldwide, and Sony pretty much throughout 2008 has actually been playing catchup.

Then there's the PlayStation brand overall, which when you factor in the PSP and PS2, topped 1 million units, more than the Xbox 360's 836,000. The PlayStation brand has in fact pretty easily muscled past the Xbox brand practically every month since the PS3's launch. Sony's margins on the PSP and PS2 are almost certainly better than the PS3's, so which company's actually been more profitable in overall unit sales is less obvious than it seems.

It's a funny read.  He also suggests that the PS3 is profitable on a per unit sold.  Hilarious.

SDF does it again!

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Haha... look what the latest story is, it was supposedly the NPD release, instead they put up the chart for IDCs projected lifetime sales.

Wow, he uses the fanboys usual arguments (look at what the Ps3 does for its price).

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


ha ha, the WP article sounds awefull. It seems little more than a forum posting or at best a mediocre blog. Seems to be focused more about I like PS3 because and so then it is best.

I love the way teh guy lists top notch PS3 games aimed at the male 16-28 age demographic as if that alone makes the machine on the worlds A list.

Squilliam: On Vgcharts its a commonly accepted practice to twist the bounds of plausibility in order to support your argument or agenda so I think its pretty cool that this gives me the precedent to say whatever I damn well please.

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Huh, I thought the "Playstation family" thing was reserved for Sony NPD spin. If you hadn't sourced this, I probably would have guessed it came from SDF.

"The Xbox brand"... Hilarious. Well, at least there's someone defending the PS3 in the mainstream media.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

In all fairness, PlayStation does consist off more then just the PS3 and they are right about that. Sales of the PS2 and PSP should be factored in when talking about Sony, as we also combine sales of the DS and Wii when referring to Nintendo.

Sony did outsell Microsoft as an whole. Ms may only have one console to sell, but that was their own choice, they discontinued the original themselves.

PSN name: Gazz1979 (feel free to add me, but please put your Vgchartz name in the message!)

Battlefield 2: Gazz1979


Yes, but what does the PS2 and PSP have to do with whether or not the PS3 is a sinking ship? The PS3 is a sinking ship, and it takes the profits from the PS2 and PSP with it miraculously. Those products don't magically make the PS3 a success.

CNNs article wasn't about the playstation brand. Even if you could infer something about the playstation brand from the CNN article, it would about the undeniable downward trend of the playstation brand.

He fills his article out not with facts, but with speculation suggesting that the system would have sold significantly more units if the NPD month was shifted a couple of days later.

He did miss an opportunity to point out that, in the future, the PS3 will have such amazing graphics that Xbox 360 owners will feel bad about their purchase.