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Forums - Sales Discussion - poor Electronic Arts...

Both Activision and EA need to exploit existing properties (yeah, I'm sorry I said that too) and mix in need IPs too.
Most franchises will 'get old' after a while and need to be replaced so 1 or 2 new IPs (of which half to 3/4 will fail) are needed to counter the old IPs that need to be retired.

Guitar Hero is starting to show signs of age - only selling strong on Wii now. And I wonder how long the mighty CoD franchise can continue if they keep doing it yearly.

The other alternative is to only release a new game for each IP every 2-3 years instead of yearly - which burns it out faster.


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JGarret said:
Man, Dead Space deserved far better :(

No it didn't. Resident Evil 4 Doom 3 and Aliens/Event Horizon movies are still waiting for their royalties on that game.


They paying the price for over investing in the HD market, they supported PS3 heavily and suprise! They lost money.

disolitude....well, IMO, it did, I loved the game...also loved SH:Homecoming, which I have no idea how sales are.

What EA needs to create more Evergreen titles. Right now they only have Madden, and Rockband that I can think of...I don't know if it's market research, or taking a page from Ubisoft and Nintendo and make games for everyone, but one thing is for sure they can't just market to the hardcore anymore. =/

The Interweb is about overreaction, this is what makes it great!

...Imagine how boring the interweb would be if everyone thought logically?

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JGarret said:
disolitude....well, IMO, it did, I loved the game...also loved SH:Homecoming, which I have no idea how sales are.

I appreciate the effort EA made when they tried to make a horror game in dead Space. Now hopefully they do a sequel with more variety, more real scares and some new concepts.

Silent Hill also sold poorly however I think silent hill was much cheaper to produce. Dead Space should still pull in a nice profit.


Gamerace said:
Both Activision and EA need to exploit existing properties (yeah, I'm sorry I said that too) and mix in need IPs too.
Most franchises will 'get old' after a while and need to be replaced so 1 or 2 new IPs (of which half to 3/4 will fail) are needed to counter the old IPs that need to be retired.

Guitar Hero is starting to show signs of age - only selling strong on Wii now. And I wonder how long the mighty CoD franchise can continue if they keep doing it yearly.

The other alternative is to only release a new game for each IP every 2-3 years instead of yearly - which burns it out faster.

@BOLD: THIS. Imagine the appeal that Mario, or Final Fantasy would have if they were released on yearly cycles? I can't imagine burning thorough an IP like Activision stated...


@Lolcislaw: It's not just betting on the HD conoles though I agree, but I think too that they tried to cater to the hardcore too much. Take Ubisoft...the Imagine series MAY NOT be our cup of tea but they are good games for their target, EA needs something like that.


The Interweb is about overreaction, this is what makes it great!

...Imagine how boring the interweb would be if everyone thought logically?

disolitude, you´re a Survival Horror fan, just like me, right?...What´s next for us to look forward to?

Dead space was good............ first time round then i found myself having to force the disc in to my 360 to get the all weapons ect upgraded achievement.

A decent game but one playthrough is enough and it sure as hell aint worth £40.

Resident evil 4 is still KING of the behind the shoulder shooters.

Afterall, i could happily play Resident evil 4 again........... 4 years on.

JGarret said:
disolitude, you´re a Survival Horror fan, just like me, right?...What´s next for us to look forward to?

After playing the Resident Evil 5 demo I am worried that there isn't much left. Don't get me wrong...RE5 will be amazing but not scary, or engaging atmosphere and story wise. Thats an action game. Possibly Alan Wake... this new Dantes Inferno game from EA...I'd like to see more about that.

FEAR 2 willbe pretty scary even though its an action shooter. Anything else?