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Forums - Sony Discussion - The future of PS home

But that's just it, it's an internet fan site. You have to be on two different electronics in most cases. Home is a way to go to the obvious. If I want to play resistance 2, I can go to the R2 home area, talk to people I might want to party with, or not! You launch the game from home, making it one completely accessible package. Fan-sites will have they're purpose, but home is entirely more accessible. And the game launch feature will help a ton ^^

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

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Truth be told, i think "Home" will be sonys underestimated secerct weapon when it comes to there games in general.

They seem to be giving off a feeling and with proof to back it up that 3rd party devs aswell as 1st and 2nd partys are willing going to work on stuff for home exclusively.

So anything can happen.

ChronotriggerJM said:
But that's just it, it's an internet fan site. You have to be on two different electronics in most cases. Home is a way to go to the obvious. If I want to play resistance 2, I can go to the R2 home area, talk to people I might want to party with, or not! You launch the game from home, making it one completely accessible package. Fan-sites will have they're purpose, but home is entirely more accessible. And the game launch feature will help a ton ^^



No man avatars cant beat, moving the mouse, and i find random people at home, the same as any match making system.

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

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My point is there has to be a reason to play home and i dont see it, i only see a reason if there are in home games, and the games space and match rooms are a plus not they should not be the main thing

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

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Ahhh see, but a matchmaking system is just that, it makes the match for you. With home, your in charge of the social building :P I think of it this way. I could play 100 rounds of warhawk co-op, and meet 700 new people. That's 700 people at random. My chances of a party that only contains high rank level 30's is....? Practically non-existent ^^

However! Using home, I can put this party together before I enter the game :P I can put together a match with only people that talk about strawberry jelly??? Who knows! Home is another tool for implementing a stronger social standing with the people you choose to interact with.

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

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Yeah, its too early to tell what will happen to Home. Right now, it's pretty much useless, but that may not always be the case as it definitely has some potential. It's unlike anything that has ever been done with video gaming before and it could end up being a success. I guess it just one more thing we'll have to wait to find out..... ("Delaystation" doesn't seem like a bad name after all :/ )

Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it

ChronotriggerJM said:
Ahhh see, but a matchmaking system is just that, it makes the match for you. With home, your in charge of the social building :P I think of it this way. I could play 100 rounds of warhawk co-op, and meet 700 new people. That's 700 people at random. My chances of a party that only contains high rank level 30's is....? Practically non-existent ^^

However! Using home, I can put this party together before I enter the game :P I can put together a match with only people that talk about strawberry jelly??? Who knows! Home is another tool for implementing a stronger social standing with the people you choose to interact with.

Isn't that the fault of the matchmaking system?

Like the best solution to your problem would be a matchmaking system that works.

And that would be a damn site better than asking countless avatars what their warhawk rank is.


@Dr.Punk, no the matchmaking system is just fine ^^ The co-op is set up to work well with the numbers. Besides being high level can really benefit some of the lower guys :) I don't want them to change that for the standard play, besides, you can change class while actively in a game, so if the matchmaking joined you up as your level 12 soldier, then you switched to your lvl 30 spec-ops :P Well... big difference :)

Anyway, none of that's really the point, the point is that you can meet new people, and set up awesome games with a little more than just a coincidental meet up. It's gaming on a more personal level, complete with a general look of the person (should they choose accuracy). And if it really is developer driven, who knows what we might end up seeing down the line, this is just one possibility ^_^

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

I think Home will attract many advergames.

ChronotriggerJM said:
@Dr.Punk, no the matchmaking system is just fine ^^ The co-op is set up to work well with the numbers. Besides being high level can really benefit some of the lower guys :) I don't want them to change that for the standard play, besides, you can change class while actively in a game, so if the matchmaking joined you up as your level 12 soldier, then you switched to your lvl 30 spec-ops :P Well... big difference :)

Anyway, none of that's really the point, the point is that you can meet new people, and set up awesome games with a little more than just a coincidental meet up. It's gaming on a more personal level, complete with a general look of the person (should they choose accuracy). And if it really is developer driven, who knows what we might end up seeing down the line, this is just one possibility ^_^


Well if thats the case, sony has been trying to sell the idea of multi purpose console since the psp launched but that does not sell, if home is not a game or does not have games in it i dont see people playing it becuase everything they have come up with until now is easier on a pc so there is no reason to buy a ps3 just for home like they are saying. Home has to be a game not a 3d chat room.

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

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