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Forums - Gaming Discussion - So Sony really got it right with Blu Ray

long live blu-ray!

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kanariya said:
BD will replace DVD in a few years jsut like DVD replaced VHS.

It didn't happen over night.


Blu Ray will not replace dvd in a few years. Nearly a decade is more like it.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
kanariya said:
BD will replace DVD in a few years jsut like DVD replaced VHS.

It didn't happen over night.


Blu Ray will not replace dvd in a few years. Nearly a decade is more like it.


 care to wager a bag of skittles on that?!

kanariya said:
Viper1 said:


No, it will not.  There are far to many circumstances that will prevent Blu Ray from surpassing DVD as the storage and media standard.


You can say the samething to DVD few years ago.


No you couldn't

DVD had advantages over VHS that Blu Ray could only dream of having over DVD.


VHS needed to be replaced.  DVD didn't yet.


DVD gave consumers better picture on the TV they already owned.
DVD gave consumers a more portable medium.
DVD gave consumers a more reliable product.
DVD gave consumers a new mass storage format.
DVD gave consumers a massive redesign in form factor.


These factors were huge over VHS and Blu Ray provides none of that over DVD.


DVD felt like a VHS replacement.  Blu Ray feels more like a DVD upgrade.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

I should go post how Blu-Ray will not become the next DVD in the Sony forum, that seems like fun.

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Gatorgamer88 said:

Even if you hate the PS3 or sony in general, you have to give an ode to the Blu ray. It took awhile but it is a hit, and will become the dominate media source in the coming years. And when microsoft releases the the next Xbox it will have to have Blu Ray capability. Congratulations Sony.....And whoever said that Blu ray is dead is ignorant so think twice next time


BluRay looks beautiful like SACD sounds beautiful - and just like SACD it isn't going to be a mainstream consumer format.  It will probably continue to be sold for quite a while, but the mainstream format will be downloads and streaming.  Think about it - it would take at least 2-3 more years for BluRay to really kick in even if there wasn't a more convienient format brewing - but there is, and before BluRay has a chance to take off internet speeds in many major markets will be high enough that it just won't make sense to deal with physical discs.  CDs had the advantage in the digital transition that they were not encumbered by DRM so you could still buy them and put their contents on your portable device - BluRay does not have this (nor does DVD really, but there exist reasonable tools.)

I compare this to what I saw happen on planes (spent enough time on them) - 10 years ago lots of people brought portable CD players.  You might find one on a given plane now - or perhaps none.  Everyone uses digitial players.  Do you really think people are going to be bringing portable DVD players on planes in a few years?  Where are they going to get their media for the digital players?  Even if you answer bittorrent BluRay still loses.

Fact: Earthbound is the greatest game ever made

Yes. Keep your logic when the BD writers and discs prices come down to near DVD level in a few years.

C8 said:


BluRay looks beautiful like SACD sounds beautiful - and just like SACD it isn't going to be a mainstream consumer format.  It will probably continue to be sold for quite a while, but the mainstream format will be downloads and streaming.  Think about it - it would take at least 2-3 more years for BluRay to really kick in even if there wasn't a more convienient format brewing - but there is, and before BluRay has a chance to take off internet speeds in many major markets will be high enough that it just won't make sense to deal with physical discs.  CDs had the advantage in the digital transition that they were not encumbered by DRM so you could still buy them and put their contents on your portable device - BluRay does not have this (nor does DVD really, but there exist reasonable tools.)

I compare this to what I saw happen on planes (spent enough time on them) - 10 years ago lots of people brought portable CD players.  You might find one on a given plane now - or perhaps none.  Everyone uses digitial players.  Do you really think people are going to be bringing portable DVD players on planes in a few years?  Where are they going to get their media for the digital players?  Even if you answer bittorrent BluRay still loses.

Nope. SACD didn't get the same support from the recording labels like the BD is getting from the movie studios.



anyone who thinks download or streaming will be main stream anytime soon, needs to see a shrink.