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Forums - Gaming Discussion - So Sony really got it right with Blu Ray

Only MikeB would say Blu-Ray has "no more rewinding" as an advantage.

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frybread said:
kanariya said:
BD will replace DVD in a few years jsut like DVD replaced VHS.

The public liked DVD because:

1) It was smaller than VHS.

2) They were allowed to skip to any scene.

3) Freeze-frame pausing.

4) MOST OF ALL:  No more rewinding.   Rewinding was a huge pain, it would break vcrs (causing people to buy rewind machines) and if they forgot to rewind, Blockbuster would sometimes charge a penalty.


Oh, it also had a clearer picture.  So did Laser Disc.  So did Beta Max.  Clear pictures do not sell formats to anyone except ... well, us geeks.


You forgot to list the biggest advantage of DVDs imo.

Repeated watching of the same movie did not damage the medium.

I have countless VHS that I recorded myself which after 10 viewing or so were starting to show some issues...

That, with price is one of the big reasons VHS never took off as a medium to sell movies to the mass market. You could not expect a tape bought one day to still be in the same shape 5 years later...

I only ever bought 2 VHS.

I have a collection of 350 or so DVDs.

And I own about 10 Blu-Ray ( I switched to buying in Blu-Ray last September).


PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Guys its a sony product, its only logical that the entire gaming community would hate it, despite being miles better than DVD imo.,


frybread said:
MikeB said:

Blu-Ray disc has all those advantages in addition to new ones. So did Laser Disc offer many of these features, but was huge. And so did Video CD (a success in China and India), but usually required muliple discs with not so great quality improvements.

Blu-Ray content makes sense for HDTV owners.


My point was that greater picture quality has never sold a format.  Only greater functionality.

VHS was superior to 8MM for many reasons, one of them being picture quality.

DVD was superior to VHS for many reasons, one of them being picture quality.

HDTV is a major step up from SDTV. On an interlaced SDTV screen it doesn't matter much if it's VHS, DVD or Blu-Ray in terms of picture quality. Like I said Blu-Ray makes sense for HDTV owners, it provides a huge gain in quality.


Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

sometimes it doesn't matter what the benefits are over the last format.

when someone who isn't as informed goes to an electronics store to buy home theatre stuff they'll really consider getting what's suggested to them.

what employee would down play a BD sale when it will result in a larger commission... unless that employee is a raving MS fanboy.

also, for some consumers having the best quality means something. so even it's just a little bit, they'll buy it. how much better was supervhs compared to vhs?

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Ail said:

That, with price is one of the big reasons VHS never took off as a medium to sell movies to the mass market.

What's your source for this?  I'd double check it if I were you, because it's horribly wrong.

HDTV is a major step up from SDTV. On an interlaced SDTV screen it doesn't matter much if it's VHS, DVD or Blu-Ray. Like I said Blu-Ray makes sense for HDTV owners.

That's still just picture quality, something that has never sold a format on its own.


PC + Wii owners unite.  Our last-gen dying platforms have access to nearly every 90+ rated game this gen.  Building a PC that visually outperforms PS360 is cheap and easy.    Oct 7th 2010 predictions (made Dec 17th '08)
PC: 10^9
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MikeB said:
frybread said:
kanariya said:
BD will replace DVD in a few years jsut like DVD replaced VHS.

The public liked DVD because:

1) It was smaller than VHS.

2) They were allowed to skip to any scene.

3) Freeze-frame pausing.

4) MOST OF ALL:  No more rewinding.   Rewinding was a huge pain, it would break vcrs (causing people to buy rewind machines) and if they forgot to rewind, Blockbuster would sometimes charge a penalty.


Oh, it also had a clearer picture.  So did Laser Disc.  So did Beta Max.  Clear pictures do not sell formats to anyone except ... well, us geeks.

Blu-Ray disc has all those advantages in addition to new ones. So did Laser Disc offer many of these features, but was huge. And so did Video CD (a success in China and India), but usually required muliple discs with not so great quality improvements.

Blu-Ray content makes sense for HDTV owners.


VCDs were low quality MPEG 1s usually worse then VHS becasue of poor compression and the resolution was not a step. Also Menus were not prevelent in the majority of the early VCDs and as you say VCDs were inconvinent for the multiple discs.

They became popular in asia because of their low price compared to VHS. Laser Discs were expensive and never went down in price. Laser Discs were also awkward as they had different read types by machine though in the 90's they came together it still meant that you had to be careful that you bought the right discs. Compression hadn't come along far enough and it could only hold just under 2 hours of video per side in the right format. The other format only held 30 minutes of video.

Laserdiscs were more suceptable to stratches and dust and there were issues of getting frames mixed up on the screen at the same time. DVD also bought in USOPs and copy protection 2 things that helped drag in the studios after the battle of VCRs in the 80s

Also laserdiscs did not have menus an in your face feature that spelled control as a feature. Although in realty LDs did have direct control of play and stop and fast forward.

mtofu said:
sometimes it doesn't matter what the benefits are over the last format.

when someone who isn't as informed goes to an electronics store to buy home theatre stuff they'll really consider getting what's suggested to them.

what employee would down play a BD sale when it will result in a larger commission... unless that employee is a raving MS fanboy.

also, for some consumers having the best quality means something. so even it's just a little bit, they'll buy it. how much better was supervhs compared to vhs?

Well true and D-Beta and D-VHS have better quality than blu-ray but they will never take off in the consumer world. In the pro world ti is obviously different.....Though I am a fan of P2 myself.


Viper1 said:
The Next X console doesn't have to have Blu Ray considering there are already several competing mediums that surpass Blu Ray's capacity.

For movie playback, it can retain DVD playback and do just fine. Blu Ray, though doing OK, will never replace DVD completely as its ubiquity is something Blu Ray simply will never match.

Sure Blu Ray beat the HD DVD format (thanks almost entirely to the PS3, but don't crown it a winner just yet. Especially with a global recession bearing down on it.


I attribute it to the failure of Toshiba and fall in global demand for Ipods.

soccerdrew17 said:
Feylic said:
Passenger57 said:
With BD's slow reading speeds, I doubt any next x console will be using it.

OMG will people stop spewing this BS. Learn something before you post please, or don't post at all, that would be much better. BD is not slow by any means.


the read speed depends on the size of the data (actual phsyical size) and the read speed.  smaller data is better and higher speed is better.  ps3 beats 360 in data size (blue/violet has a smaller wavelength than red) but 360 beats ps3 in speed 2x versus 12x or 16x, forgot which.  in the end it is the 360's speed which is a bigger advantage than ps3's data size.  if the disk speeds were the same, ps3 would blow 360 out of the water in read speed.



This is what I was talking about but there are a lot of folks here that you have to spoon feed. Witch is something I have little time to do.