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Forums - Gaming Discussion - gta4 goty on spike? spike vga awards suck

Out of the countless threads regarding the possible GOTY outcomes, the majority of the posts in those threads stated "I think [insert title] should win, but it is going to be GTAIV".

Now everyone is acting surprised and angered. We knew this would happen.  You dont have to like it, but can you honestly say you are even remotely surprised?

Gongrats GTAIV and Rock*.

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TheTruthHurts! said:

Out of the countless threads regarding the possible GOTY outcomes, the majority of the posts in those threads stated "I think [insert title] should win, but it is going to be GTAIV".

Now everyone is acting surprised and angered. We knew this would happen.  You dont have to like it, but can you honestly say you are even remotely surprised?

Gongrats GTAIV and Rock*.

You and KichiVerde - QFT.


They don't suck. They were right on the money this year. Sorry if that doesn't float your boat.

Heavens to Murgatoids.


Wow you have to comment on bieng a VG reviewer in order for you to have a reasonable point. Come on man admit GTA4 was in fact a downgrade from GTA San Andreas and also Vice City. Just because you have freedom to do what ever you want, automatically makes it Game Of The Year? If thats the case then Far Cry 2 should have won, It had the same freedom to do what you want just like GTA except more. GTA restricted you from certain stores and honestly it just felt like GTA3 just with more Graphical "Awww." If its the story some of you may say is better then others than look at Far Cry 2 once again. It had the same political insignificance and yet they say GTA is more beleivable/detailed. Far Cry 2 is based on real events, things that people look over in reveiwing. GTA is normal crime and Far Cry2 is issues in another country, they both have the same significance.

Just because one game sells more does not make that Game, Game Of The Year. Games should not be voted based on how successful the game was, finantialy. Each game should have a fair competition on how it is viewed. Oh and isn't that how reviewers are supposed to review games. They are supposed to review them without biased remarks or views of a game. Please I see it everywhere. The most annoying and stupid argument that people make is that Little Big Planet is childish and stupid. Wow honestly? People need to realize that games now-a-days don't always have to be violent or have blood and gore for it to be a great game. I have listened to people who say they love Zelda: OofT. Then I ask them how they think of LBP. Then they say, "Its too childish." Its funny to see people who have played games that have lots of childish elements in them and they still think its amazing. But once a game comes out that has inovation or is on a different console or a new design that they don't understand, then they say, "This is childish, lets go back to blowing crap up!" I say people. Never and I mean Never judge a game by what you have heard from others or reviews. Play them first because you never know until you try.


superbeast1370 said:
KichiVerde said:
SO much hating on GTA IV. It seems every other person looks at this game as if it is entirely undeserving of GOTY.

Well, here is a reality check. It is the best selling game on PS3, and the HD consoles put together. It has the best reviews on Metacritic. Those two things alone make this game a great one. Money and unanimous critic support do not lie.

Maybe YOU haters dont like it, but for every YOU out there, there are a dozen MEs. I enjoyed the game because of the experience it brought to the HD consoles. Face it. It is GOTY for good reason. So instead of whining about why MGS4 or GoW2 didnt get the award, accept the reality of the situation. Just because you dont like the game doesnt mean everyone else doesnt too.


 dude, VGA is SHIT. there are "REAL" gaming sites/mags such as IGN, Gamespot, Gamepro, Game Informer, EGM, etc.


say wha?

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w/e, bitch all you want....real gamers like me still have mad love for GTA4! The GTA4: L&D Ep1.......CAN NOT WAIT FOR IT!!!

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gta4 aint fo hardcore gamers lol

taomaster06 said:
11ht11 said:
leo-j said:
WHy are you glad GTA IV won, there were FAR better games this year, MGS4 is fucking miles ahead of GTA IV.


not according to metacritic

......................i don't know what to say. That score is completely wrong. It was based purely on hype.

Yet you expect the same group of ignorant journalists to suddenly realize their mistakes and correct them before voting for GotY.

The logic in this thread is truly astounding.

Oh, and BTW, MGS4 was overrated as well. Let's not start splitting hairs over the level of incompetence found in gaming journalism.

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RPGJock said:
At least Fallout 3 didn't win. Not a fan of Bethesda these days after being burned by Oblivion. Shame too because I enjoyed of what I did play of Morrowind way back in the day. Another company cashing in on FPS craze.

Fallout 3 is miles better than Oblivion. Still flawed and undeserving of any GotY awards, but better.

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I'm pretty disappointed but I'm harly surprised. It's too bad that they couldn't pick something more exciting and original for GOTY. GOTY choice aside, what was up with MGS4 getting best graphics? I loved MGS4 but the graphics were nowhere near the best this year.