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Forums - Gaming Discussion - gta4 goty on spike? spike vga awards suck

Magnific0 said:
madskillz said:
Not quite, OP. I too think GTA IV is awesome - and couldn't for the life of me get past the tons of cutscenes in MGS. The only reason it's still in my collection is the remote - and I mean remote - chance I would play it again. Gears 2 was far better than MGS - IMHO.

I am glad GTA IV won - and MG? LBP own3d Solid Snake - and folks felt bad for Kojima, so they gave him best looking graphics to appease him. Wow ...


 A kiddy fanboy comment from a kiddy fanboy to his last breath. why should  anyone care for your opinion about a game you didn't play and anyone knows you hate the PS3? please, you just failed.

Son, I own a PS3 and I have the game. I was put into a coma with the onslaught of cutscenes. Couldn't play more than 4-5 minutes before ... cutscene.

I find it funny that you'd make an ignorant remark about folks caring about my opinion. Obviously, I have some skillz in that area, hence why video game makers/publishers and PR firms send me games to review. And yeah, the newspaper I work for thinks so - and so did Kai Huang, co-creator of Guitar Hero series who made sure I had the full band setup for GHWT for review.

Hate much, Poohbear?


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Yay, flame wars!

Grow the fuck up, people.

So, a game that didn't win XBox goty or Playstation goty wins overall game of the year...?


donathos said:
So, a game that didn't win XBox goty or Playstation goty wins overall game of the year...?


It's multiplatform. Notice the games that won for PS3 and 360 were console exclusive. Makes sense.


madskillz said:
donathos said:
So, a game that didn't win XBox goty or Playstation goty wins overall game of the year...?


It's multiplatform. Notice the games that won for PS3 and 360 were console exclusive. Makes sense.



No it doesn't make sense.  If a game is the best on the platform that means it is the best on that platform.  It's like if two sports teams win in the semi-finals and make it to the championship, and then they don't get to compete for the championship.  It's stupid, absurd and doesn't make sense.  GTA 4 was not the game of the year by a mile, gears or mgs4 should have won it.  Fallout 3 gets third, but since neither fallout nor gta 4 won either platform they don't get to compete.

Besides gta 4 was incredibly boring so if you couldn't sit through mgs4 ORIGINAL cutscenes or ORIGINAL gameplay, then I can't see how you could ever play gta 4.  San Andreas was king and always will be, Son.

Fact: Earthbound is the greatest game ever made

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@ Pharoah - you know why I could play GTA IV over and over again? Sometimes, I just snag a helo and cruise the city. Or get a car and race through the streets - or wait in the water and jack a boat passing by. You aren't locked into going to one location and doing just one thing. You have multiple ways to finish a mission - and it's hot on both systems. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't GTA IV the first 5 million seller on PS3? It leads the rest of the software, right? COD4 is the second behind it and it's not even close.

You can say it wasn't game or the year, but it still won. And it deserved it. Sorry if you are sore, but the game won, leads in sales on the PS3 and still has hatred. Wow.

madskillz said:
@ Pharoah - you know why I could play GTA IV over and over again? Sometimes, I just snag a helo and cruise the city. Or get a car and race through the streets - or wait in the water and jack a boat passing by. You aren't locked into going to one location and doing just one thing. You have multiple ways to finish a mission - and it's hot on both systems. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't GTA IV the first 5 million seller on PS3? It leads the rest of the software, right? COD4 is the second behind it and it's not even close.

You can say it wasn't game or the year, but it still won. And it deserved it. Sorry if you are sore, but the game won, leads in sales on the PS3 and still has hatred. Wow.


Yeah but it wasn't an improvement over its predecessor it was a downgrade.  Why didn't you just go play San Andreas, where you could acutally BUY property, gamble, earn money through businesses, etc. etc..  Gears 2 was an improvement in everyway over the original, its online play is fantastic. 

It seems to me you just like sandbox games,  "You aren't locked into going to one location and doing just one thing".  MGS4's gameplay doesn't lock you into doing the mission a certain way, you can do it through stealth and patience or guns blazing in certain situations.  Huge mech fight, awesome boss fights that you have to actually think.

Come on man, seriously?  GTA 4? It didn't win game of the year on either platform.

Fact: Earthbound is the greatest game ever made

leo-j said:
WHy are you glad GTA IV won, there were FAR better games this year, MGS4 is fucking miles ahead of GTA IV.


not according to metacritic

11ht11 said:
leo-j said:
WHy are you glad GTA IV won, there were FAR better games this year, MGS4 is fucking miles ahead of GTA IV.


not according to metacritic

......................i don't know what to say. That score is completely wrong. It was based purely on hype.

  3DS FC: 4355-9313-6815

SO much hating on GTA IV. It seems every other person looks at this game as if it is entirely undeserving of GOTY.

Well, here is a reality check. It is the best selling game on PS3, and the HD consoles put together. It has the best reviews on Metacritic. Those two things alone make this game a great one. Money and unanimous critic support do not lie.

Maybe YOU haters dont like it, but for every YOU out there, there are a dozen MEs. I enjoyed the game because of the experience it brought to the HD consoles. Face it. It is GOTY for good reason. So instead of whining about why MGS4 or GoW2 didnt get the award, accept the reality of the situation. Just because you dont like the game doesnt mean everyone else doesnt too.