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This game is a longgggg ways off, so its bound to look alot better in the future, but as of now its looking purdy good :)

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The effects are somewhat unexciting at this point, though it may just be the setting they chose to show off. And they may have just not implemented everything yet (just look at the strides Killzone 2 has made over the past ~6 months).

That being said, Kratos' character model is insane! Even the new Nathan Drake doesn't come close.

Compare the screens above to the CGI from Chains of Olympus:

My gosh! Aside from the fire, they're damn close.

And if they are aiming for 1080p/60fps (ignoring that stupid VGTilt rumor, Cory Barlog said they were aiming for this when GoWII was released, and both GoW I/II were 60fps and were at least 480p on the ps2), then this will have some crazy IQ.

the trailer was good but not that much. I need to see more videos before i can make judgment on this game



I'm hesistant to call the VG Tilt thing stupid given how accurate they were with this.

Hyams said:

I'm hesistant to call the VG Tilt thing stupid given how accurate they were with this.


They did happen to get this one right, but it's a first for them.  Remember the Uncharted 2 rumor?  Somebody had the original version in their browser cache, and it turns otu they changed th content of the post after Uncharted was actually unveiled.

They got the part about it the GI cover story correct, but they added in all the details about the snowy setting after the fact.

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Hyams said:

I'm hesistant to call the VG Tilt thing stupid given how accurate they were with this.


 I didn't see zombies crawling from the ground. Or an onslaught of zombies was fighting then came to a big tombstone to fight a reaper. I don't know how you can judge 1080p and 60fps on that trailer and i didn't see a redish hue sky (just grey) It was longer than 20 seconds... just some things they didnt get right. I also didn't see Dratos the twin brother

Yeah, I heard about that, which is why I stopped taking them seriously. But really, after how accurate they were on this, I wouldn't be surprised if everything else they said about GoWIII came true.

Max King of the Wild said:
Hyams said:

I'm hesistant to call the VG Tilt thing stupid given how accurate they were with this.


I didn't see zombies crawling from the ground. Or an onslaught of zombies was fighting then came to a big tombstone to fight a reaper. I don't know how you can judge 1080p and 60fps on that trailer and i didn't see a redish hue sky (just grey) It was longer than 20 seconds... just some things they didnt get right.

Actually, you're right on that...

Maybe VGTilt is full of crap after all. XD

hype? o no,no never..


I think this looks pretty good. So you know where my barometer sits.

BUT this is not- as I said last week- the stuff I was/am talking about.

I stand by my comments and am eager for Sony to get some of that stunning PAINTING QUALITY footage out asap...just to prove I ain't bullshitting folks.
