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God I'm getting tired of these horribly nasty muddy brown-grey looking games... -_-'

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


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Cheebee said:
God I'm getting tired of these horribly nasty muddy brown-grey looking games... -_-'


It's only one scene.  The God of War series isn't known for being dull and drab.

Also, keep in mind that Kratos has abnormally pale skin, and that combined with the night time settings leads to a rather subdued look to the trailer overall.

Wasnt there a leaked source saying the graphics would blow us all away...?


I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

Isn't this video in 60 FPS though? I can't really tell because of my crappy computer playback, but it would seem like that to me.

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I've never heard more spoiled, jaded gamers in my life. "...the graphics aren't that good.", "the trailer wasn't all that." STFU!

Alot of you need to stop bitching about this trailer. This game is no where near done, probably got another year and a half to make the graphics look better. Another thing is, did you not hear what David Jaffe said, he said the stuff he saw was graphically miles better than this. Also did you not pay any attention to the game play, art style, the gore, the amount of enemies on screen etc. or did you just look at the graphics.

How the fuk could you doubt the people who helped Guerilla Games make Killzone 2 what it is graphically, really?

So anyway, fuk all u haters saying "GOW3 aint gonna be all that, based on this trailer" etc.

the trailer is up on PS store ,,,download it in 1080 and watch it ,,it looks much better .It has green grass/trees in it




Graphics look like a painting come to life....

Just kidding its the PS2 games at a higher resolution.

I think people were expecting to much from it including myself, i was hoping for more but we got to see a short trailer and juding by it i think it looked good nothing special but still good, also about that grapichs i think its too early too judge at that short trailer but i think it will look much better when they show it again on E3.