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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Official: VGA Results Thread (Updated)

Light Yagami said:
either way I'm glad MGS4 didnt win GOTY. Imagine if an interactive movie won GOTY.


Troll much?  Don't do it again.

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Light Yagami said:
either way I'm glad MGS4 didnt win GOTY. Imagine if an interactive movie won GOTY.

Thank god none of those were even nominated.


I agree with a lot of the choices on the list. Spike has always been horribly biased towards the Wii, so I'm not really surprised to see the completely wrong game as the Wii GOTY (Boom Blox, when it should be Brawl).

Gears of War 2 has been pissing me off a lot lately, but I'd still agree with the choice as shooter of the year. It has an amazing campaign, just terrible online.



leo-j said:
God of war III trailer....was a dissapointment

indeed it was,looks like jaffe was over hyping very little..



and Sega Best 360 game is Gears 2 they said it when it won


I like World of Goo quite a bit, but Braid was better. A good 2nd choice though.

I would also have chosen Fable II over Fallout 3 by a nose for RPG.

GTA IV is over-rated. Good game, but rewarded for immediate impact of the game versus the game itself, in my opinion.  Game of the Year could have been Fable II, Fallout 3, or Little Big Planet, and I think all were better.  I wouldn't have argued with Gears 2 either, but I have trouble rewarding games with the multiplayer flaws it has.

I like the selection of Boom Blox for Wii. It's my favorite Wii game of the year, in that it tries new and interesting things and is made for that system without a doubt.

And good on Burnout Paradise - well deserved if only for the support they have given that game.

And I agree with being underwhelmed by the premier trailers.

Can't we all just get along and play our games in peace?

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Was there an award for best 360 game?

makingmusic476 said:
Light Yagami said:
either way I'm glad MGS4 didnt win GOTY. Imagine if an interactive movie won GOTY.


Troll much?  Don't do it again.



Light Yagami is an idiot and VGA is Bull$h!t...all of it was.

almost all of the winners made me go WTF??!

persona 4 should have been added to the list of best rpg...but i guess p4 didn't come out soon next year p4 will have to go up against ffxiii, ffxii versus, wkc, and p4 will never have a chance to win...

polezo said:
Was there an award for best 360 game?

Gears 2 won that.


Mario Kart Wii should have won best racer, Super Smash Bros. Brawl should have won best fighting game and best Wii game.

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