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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - (Rumor) Leaked "Tales" trailer for the Wii

I was always sure the Wii was to be the JRPG console.
Seems I was right once again. Add to that the rumored Shining Force, rumored Suikoden, plus all those already announced...
Well, I guess the case is closed.

I hope that ToV gets released on PS3, because the sales of this game are pathetic really. Stupid Namco sent their game to die on XB360.

In Europe, we have yet to get ToV and ToS:KoR. Like in the USA, ToV has no chance to sell in Europe, just look at the sales of other similar games in Europe.
ToS:KoR has a chance to sell a little because Nintendo made ToS come to Europe on their console, so there's a little install base of fans. But english VA will just kill these games outside of UK.

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Ookaze, have you checked the Eternal Sonata sales? Deserves Namco right it bombed hard on the PS3. ToV will have the same faith on the PS3 if they'll plan to release it at full price like more than a year after the 360 release. Let that teach them that PlayStation 3 owners don't like to be messed around with. I buy those games as I'm nuts anyway but I sure have let Namco know when they posted a blog at blog PlayStation how I and other PS3 owners feel treated by them.

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E

Supporter of PlayStation and Nintendo

ookaze said:
I was always sure the Wii was to be the JRPG console.
Seems I was right once again. Add to that the rumored Shining Force, rumored Suikoden, plus all those already announced...
Well, I guess the case is closed.

I hope that ToV gets released on PS3, because the sales of this game are pathetic really. Stupid Namco sent their game to die on XB360.

In Europe, we have yet to get ToV and ToS:KoR. Like in the USA, ToV has no chance to sell in Europe, just look at the sales of other similar games in Europe.
ToS:KoR has a chance to sell a little because Nintendo made ToS come to Europe on their console, so there's a little install base of fans. But english VA will just kill these games outside of UK.

Namco sends all their RPGs to die. At least in the West, they do. They didn't adverstise Tales of Syphonia at all, nor Vesperia, nor ToS: Dawn of the New World. The only reason we got the Tales of Phantasia port is because Nintendo brought it over. We didn't get Tales of the Tempest, granted I heard it not good, or Tales of Innocence. Same deal with Baten Kaitos on Gamecube. Namco didn't give that game any ad support and like Tales of Phantasia, Nintendo published Baiten Kaitos Origins. The only RPG I've seen Namco advertise in the US was Eternal Sonata. Which actually got a modest TV campaign. Unfortunately, ES is one of the worst RPGs of this generation. I wondering if MS was behind ES's ads given Namco's history. Lost Odyssey is the best selling JRPG of this generation for a reason, MS actually backed the game with a heavy ad campaign. Given the games battle system, the Tales series could be much bigger in the West. Especially considering the endless bitching I hear about turn based games.

To be honest they absolutely botched ToV's launch, in the US at least. Setting aside the fact that they did not adverstise the game at all. They undershipped it. I knew people that wanted the game but couldn't find it. To this day, I'm suprised at how well Tales of Symphonia sold in the US. It seems like that game sold in spite of Namco.

As for the Wii, I'm not surprised that the Wii is becoming an RPG magnet. It's running away with the Japan. Smaller devs are only concerned with the domestic market. They are going to have to go with the Wii unless they want to go the portable route.

Unless they are first or second party, I don't expect to see many new JRPG announcements for HD consoles. If its not from Sony or Mistwalker, I think the ship has sailed on any additional HD JRPGs.  Given the paltry HD market share in Japan, it doesn't make much sense unless there is a financial incentive. MS maybe willing to pony up the cash, but even if they want to Sony isn't able at this point.


You know a game is good when people start complaining about how good it is. V_V

ToS sold very well in the US to a rpg starved platform, I don't see why ToS:DonW wont do 500k unless MH3 or FFCC or some other software is released very soon.

500k by April 2009 ^_^

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

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What Namco needs to do is port Vesperia to the Wii.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

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ClaudeLv250 said:
What Namco needs to do is port Vesperia to the Wii.

That would be really nice.


Namco needs to start advertising their games in the West.

Darc Requiem said:
Namco needs to start advertising their games in the West.



This. Whether they put a gimped and dumb downed version of Vesperia on the Wii won't do jack for its sales unless they actually advertise.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

@shadowblind Gimped? How so? Graphically?I would say that vesperia isn't anywhere near a graphical powerhouse. Even if it has to be downgraded(which I doubt) it wouldn't have too be downgraded too much. If that is all then your definition of "gimped" is different from mine.

sc94597 said:
@shadowblind Gimped? How so? Graphically?I would say that vesperia isn't anywhere near a graphical powerhouse. Even if it has to be downgraded(which I doubt) it wouldn't have too be downgraded too much. If that is all then your definition of "gimped" is different from mine.

Not as many enemies on screen at one time.

Not as large cities at any one time.

Not as much detail and graphically powered. 

Not as many special effects.

See "dead rising" vs. "dead rising chop til you drop"

And honestly? Stop insulting Vesperia's graphics. I'm getting damn well sick of people saying that Namdai's idea of HD isn't HD at all. The Wii has great graphics capabilities, ect. ect. but when a game developer says they are making a game HD, you better expect they'd have to tone it down in the graphics department for a non-HD system.

I personally wouldn't mind it coming to Wii. But I'm not going to have of you insult Vesperia's power and Namco Bandai's hard work.




GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.