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Forums - Gaming Discussion - If Sony drops the PS3 price, will the 360 continue to outsell it?

Gatorgamer88 said:
Ps3 outsold it without a price cut earlier this year, then xbox went bonkers and cut price. I think that with the lineup that PS3 has next year a price cut would help drastically

PS3 was outselling it in part due to a large price cut last year, compared to the middling price cut the 360 gave.


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The price cut needs to be over $50.00 if its $100.00 or $150.00 the momentum should shift to Sony though not sure for how long. They cant over take the 360 until 2010 if its even possible. who would have thought this generation would turn out like this.

WII- After Gamecube and N64 I really though Nintendo could be in trouble, Know they are kicking everyones a$#
360 - after the xbox which I didnt buy they looked like 50/50 they would do ok, now they are solidly in second place, outsold there orginal box, have a fantastic library of games and will n matter what hold there lead through 2010 which is the bulk of this gen
Sony - I honestly thought they would destroy the compeation this gen, but mistake after mistake has cost them. pricing, slow to come out with good games, remove backward compat.

PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks

Without question a pricecut would create a big boost in sales for PS3.

However, 360 is now at that magical under $200 price. In Sony loving Europe the a $299 PS3 might outsell a $199 360 but in the USA (especially under the current economic situation) no, I don't think so, but it would be competitive at least.

And yes, the Wii would still outsell them both combined.


Gamerace said:
Without question a pricecut would create a big boost in sales for PS3.

However, 360 is now at that magical under $200 price. In Sony loving Europe the a $299 PS3 might outsell a $199 360 but in the USA (especially under the current economic situation) no, I don't think so, but it would be competitive at least.

And yes, the Wii would still outsell them both combined.

Do you realize the current economic situation extends beyond the US, and in many countries it is even worse? 

Sephiroth357 said:
RPG said:
leatherhat said:
It probably will, then we will have "oh noes xbox is doomed" threads, until microsoft drops price again. Its a cycle of sales


TBH I cant wait for the turn of PS3 owners, the amount of PS3 hate I have seen is atrocious.


 Same for all CONSOLES.

it really is on sites only like this one though..... where ppl spend their time being stupid about these things.... 


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PS3 will dominate as soon as the price drops to $300. That includes outselling the Wii (even if wii drops to $200)

coolestguyever said:
PS3 will dominate as soon as the price drops to $300. That includes outselling the Wii (even if wii drops to $200)


PS3 won't outsell the Wii unless it costs $5