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Forums - Sales Discussion - Sony: PS3 continues strong holiday momentum

Sony has announced that the PlayStation brand has began the holiday season by posting solid sales at retail across its three platforms, with more than one million units sold in November 2008, representing a 93 per cent growth over October, according to NPD.

378,071 PlayStation 3 hardware units were sold during November and Sony states that the console has "continued its strong momentum during the holiday season", with almost a 100 per cent growth over October 2008. This calendar year more than 2.8 million PS3s have been sold in the US, representing year-on-year growth of more than 60 per cent.

Sony also points towards an "unmatched holiday line-up of blockbuster first and third-party" PS3 titles which sold 3,552,456 software units in November, representing a year-to-date growth of 150 per cent.

Top-selling exclusive games for PS3 in November included Resistance 2 and LittleBigPlanet, while Sony also stated must have titles included Call of Duty: World at War, Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe and Madden NFL 09.

While all the attention will be on the PS3, The PSP sold 420,539 units, representing 118 per cent growth from October 2008, and the PS2 sold 205,944 units, up by 51 per cent over October 2008.

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Sony NPD spin...what exactly is your point Damkira :)?

The Doctor will see you now  Promoting Lesbianism -->


I guess this is sony trying to tell us that they may not be first in holiday sales but they are selling enough to keep the ps3 from being "doomed". I hope it's not just PR talk.

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Because selling 360,000 consoles in NA is so bad.



Compare to over 400,000 sold last November, yes that is bad.

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Yay for sony...?

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

GianCarmen said:
Compare to over 400,000 sold last November, yes that is bad.



Plus compairing Novembers NPD to Octobers? Sad.

Why did they release any statement? I see no reason to.


Currently Playing:
Resistance 2 Co-op (anyone call for a Medic?)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (PC)
F.E.A.R. (PC)

Currently Ignoring:
My 360 and Wii.

MS and Nintendo have had plenty to brag about, and Sony has had plenty to cry about... so they just need to give their fan base a little good news (or the illusion of a light at the end of the tunnel).


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


Esmoreit said:
Sony NPD spin...what exactly is your point Damkira :)?


LOL Just for fun. You've got to hand it to Sony for this masterful PR spin.

I am somewhat disappointed by Sony. Surely they could have done better then this. Have they never heard of changing the subject. All they need to have done was unveiled two new exclusive titles, and been very cryptic. A little misdirection goes a long way. After all out of sight is out of mind.