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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Second hand console rip offs. Has this ever happened to you?

Scenario: "I bought a  PS3  or an XBox 360, second hand from some punk". Guess what It does not friggin work. Darn I lost my money and I am stuck with an expensive brick.

Lesson learned here buy a new console with a warranty or buy a second hand console from a game store who give you a 12 month warranty to cover your purchase.

Better safe than sorry. I am making a possible scenario here and it has happened to people and it sucks when you get ripped off by some thief.

I have thought of buying a cheap second hand console from some punk on the street but I just could not depart with my hard earned money.

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buying things from people off the street is a fairly bad idea no matter what it is

"I like my steaks how i like my women.  Bloody and all over my face"

"Its like sex, but with a winner!"

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Well when I buy an expensive second hand thing, I always ask for the ID and that settles the problem 9/10 times.

I never buy anything second hand from strangers unless it is through Ebay where I am protected.

"If you don't like me, bite me!"

Nope it has never happend to me.

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My Gamecube wouldn't spin discs some of the time, right about the time I bought my Wii. It took a lot to get the thing to work. I sold it (and Resident Evil 4) to one of my co-workers for $50. He put it in his police car, and I went inside of the car and sat it on the floor as if it had fallen out of the seat. He still thinks he broke it.

Yes, I'm going to hell, but there's a pretty good chance I was going anyway.


haha you are going to hell for that

Rarely had a problem (never a problem with a console), but I only buy used off of ebay. Actually, can't say I never had a problem, but I have always received my money back why I did.

I wouldn't trust a 360 off of ebay. Too easy to towel it back to life.

MrBubbles said:
buying things from people off the street is a fairly bad idea no matter what it is

lol so true


Nah, I don't like purchasing second hand consoles. The only second hand one I had was a gameboy color, and even then I got it for free (found it in a rental car). Games on the other hand, I sometimes buy second hand.

And lol @ lewis.