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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony’s Home 3D World Already Turning To Sex

That video made me lose some faith in the human race.

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KylieDog said:
The 'women' in the OP vid are probably blokes anyway.


Probably were, but it just simulates the positibilites of what can happen if an innocent girl just wants to enjoy home and gets hassled.

chasmatic12 said:
That video made me lose some faith in the human race.



Mirson said:

Omg, those idiots need a life.


The difference is that if someone gets harassed here and reports it, I can guarantee it will be dealt with IMMEDIATELY. Every mod here will not hesitate to drop the ban hammer.

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A typical day on HOME: "The chick scores some drugs in exchange the guy scores some FUN".
Sex in exchange for drugs. Art imitating life. lol.

Sony's HOME is already seedy. lol. I hope they put some Net Nanny/ Cyber Patrol to cut out the sleezy things online. Please think of the children.

axumblade said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
KylieDog said:
The 'women' in the OP vid are probably blokes anyway.


Probably were, but it just simulates the positibilites of what can happen if an innocent girl just wants to enjoy home and gets hassled.

lol. girls can't even be in our forum without being hassled. I've noticed that when people learn about the gender of someone on here, they tend to freak out and run to their pages and leave a ton of wall postings. :p



LOL some people need some major layage.

KylieDog said:
A smart woman would hide it, especially since it is irrelivant to 99% of topics on the forum.


What do you want her to do, not be herself?

axumblade said:
FishyJoe said:
The difference is that if someone gets harassed here and reports it, I can guarantee it will be dealt with IMMEDIATELY. Every mod here will not hesitate to drop the ban hammer.

It's my experience that female gamers have a tendency to just get used to it. The guys here aren't horny about it, it seems more like they're amazed that there is a girl who is into gaming on the site.

My best friend is a prime example. She's really attractive and because she is obsessed with video games, she gets harrassed by the BIGGEST losers I've ever met. I have asked her "Why don't you just tell them to fcuk off?" and she's got like 6 people that live around here that won't leave her the hell alone, and she's pretty much just said that she's just used to it and normally they give up after a few months and eventually work their way into just being friends..minus the creepy stalkerdom and the "she's mine!" mentality.


Axum man...thats disturbing. >_>