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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony’s Home 3D World Already Turning To Sex

SpartanFX said:

you don't own PS3 and it's not your duty,,

I can post article every 3 hours about someone reporting a RROD article but i don't do that cause I don't own a 360 and I don't care for it.

but you on the other hand go out of your way to post something negative about PS3 which in this case could be experience of 10-20% of people going to home.

find more article for 360 and post it there.

Never heard you preach to Skeeuk ......



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FishyJoe said:
BKK2 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
BKK2 said:
lol what? There was nothing about sex in that video whatsoever. US can be ridiculously prudish sometimes.


This has nothing to do with the US and you know it. The idea of what Home was supposed to be was naive and it was known from a long time just by common sense  from critics, of what it could turn into. The critics ended up being right before the full version was even launched. Now you just knnow what to expect.

Did you watch the video? There is absolutely nothing about sex. It's an American speaking in the video, and an American site reporting this "story". Maybe it's a slow news day, but I really can't imagine a European site linking this video to sex and making a news item about it. It's completely ridiculous.



Yeah, the Europeans only make news about having a swear word in Scrabble...


Equally ridiculous, but not what I would consider prudish. Anyway, this ridiculousness isn't anything new:

A tipster sends word that The Porn Talk, a site backed by a secretive faith-based ministry in California, is prepping to attack Nintendo's Wii and other gaming devices, calling them "portals to porno" in a press release.

In the press release, leaked to Kotaku today, The Porn Talk founder Mike Foster does his best to stoke up some fear about the Wii saying that even though the device has parental controls, "parents don't see a need for them because they are unaware of the porn capabilities."

With a headline that reads "The Wii's Dirty Little Secret," the story's caustic tone is more off-putting than what little facts are presented. The full press release is on the jump.

I find it funny that a site that seems to go to so much effort to hide its ties to religion and ministry work is using the phrase dirty little secret.

The Wii's Dirty Little Secret

The Wiittle Porn Problem For Nintendo's Best Selling Game Console

CORONA, CA - The Nintendo Wii gaming console has a wiittle porn problem. That's right; this seemingly innocent family game console has a dirty little secret. It has the dubious ability to access pornography via the internet and most parents are not aware of this fact according to

Like many new gaming technologies, the Wii's wireless internet capabilities make it a portal to porno. "Parents think the computer is the only way for their kids to get porn on the internet. Unfortunately, they are dead wrong," says Mike Foster, founder of "Gaming devices like the Wii and the PSP aren't just for fun games anymore. You're able to surf the net, chat with friends, email, and view porn because of its internet access. Kids know this but parents don't!"

Wireless internet (Wi-Fi) technology allows electronic devices like Nintendo's Wii to wirelessly connect to the internet. Airports, Starbucks, schools, and even entire cities give people the opportunity to log on the internet with a Wi-Fi device like the Wii or even Sony's PSP. "This makes it very difficult to monitor as a parent. You can easily put safeguards in your house but it's impossible to monitor in a Wi-Fi world," says Foster. "Even though the Nintendo Wii has parental controls, parents don't see a need for them because they are unaware of the porn capabilities."

The Nintendo Wii has become the best-selling video game console in the United States, outselling Microsoft and Sony competitors in the month of January, 2007. Because of its success many websites have taken advantage of its online capability. Several companies have changed the look and functionality of their web sites to accommodate the Wii. The porn industry is also implementing these changes to their sites. Porn websites are taking the look of the Wii's home page and menus and modeling their own sites after them. Porn sites are even converting their video clips so that they can run on the Wii.

So the solution lies in parents getting the facts and then talking to their children about expectations for online activity. Foster believes that, "Whether it is the home computer or these new gaming consoles, porn is easily accessible. The Wii is an amazing console and tons of fun but parents need good info on how to keep kids safe."

About is an innovative web resource that helps parents talk to their kids about porn and internet dangers. The site features conversation starters, videos, a weekly podcast, parent's stories and other resources. Contributors to the site include child advocates, pastors, therapists, and kids themselves.



FishyJoe said:
BKK2 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
BKK2 said:
lol what? There was nothing about sex in that video whatsoever. US can be ridiculously prudish sometimes.


This has nothing to do with the US and you know it. The idea of what Home was supposed to be was naive and it was known from a long time just by common sense  from critics, of what it could turn into. The critics ended up being right before the full version was even launched. Now you just knnow what to expect.

Did you watch the video? There is absolutely nothing about sex. It's an American speaking in the video, and an American site reporting this "story". Maybe it's a slow news day, but I really can't imagine a European site linking this video to sex and making a news item about it. It's completely ridiculous.



Yeah, the Europeans only make news about having a swear word in Scrabble...



LOL Thats how they sleep at night, by insulting us.

hahahaha XD
I'm sooo going to create a female avatar, and when enough guys gather around me I'll start talking XD (I have a fairly deep voice, so it should be entertaining)

I'll be sending that youtube video to my good female friend though, who also owns a PS3....

@BKK2:  It's sad and amusing at the same time how some groups of people can be so scared of techonology.  I'm a Christian myself, but if I ever had kids I'd have the sense to TALK to them about things like that instead of getting all panicky and writing about the EEEEVILLLL  nintendo DS/Wii/Playstation Home, etc porn spewing machines.

BKK2 said:

Equally ridiculous, but not what I would consider prudish. Anyway, this ridiculousness isn't anything new:

A tipster sends word that The Porn Talk, a site backed by a secretive faith-based ministry in California, is prepping to attack Nintendo's Wii and other gaming devices, calling them "portals to porno" in a press release.

In the press release, leaked to Kotaku today, The Porn Talk founder Mike Foster does his best to stoke up some fear about the Wii saying that even though the device has parental controls, "parents don't see a need for them because they are unaware of the porn capabilities."

With a headline that reads "The Wii's Dirty Little Secret," the story's caustic tone is more off-putting than what little facts are presented. The full press release is on the jump.

I find it funny that a site that seems to go to so much effort to hide its ties to religion and ministry work is using the phrase dirty little secret.

The Wii's Dirty Little Secret

The Wiittle Porn Problem For Nintendo's Best Selling Game Console

CORONA, CA - The Nintendo Wii gaming console has a wiittle porn problem. That's right; this seemingly innocent family game console has a dirty little secret. It has the dubious ability to access pornography via the internet and most parents are not aware of this fact according to

Like many new gaming technologies, the Wii's wireless internet capabilities make it a portal to porno. "Parents think the computer is the only way for their kids to get porn on the internet. Unfortunately, they are dead wrong," says Mike Foster, founder of "Gaming devices like the Wii and the PSP aren't just for fun games anymore. You're able to surf the net, chat with friends, email, and view porn because of its internet access. Kids know this but parents don't!"

Wireless internet (Wi-Fi) technology allows electronic devices like Nintendo's Wii to wirelessly connect to the internet. Airports, Starbucks, schools, and even entire cities give people the opportunity to log on the internet with a Wi-Fi device like the Wii or even Sony's PSP. "This makes it very difficult to monitor as a parent. You can easily put safeguards in your house but it's impossible to monitor in a Wi-Fi world," says Foster. "Even though the Nintendo Wii has parental controls, parents don't see a need for them because they are unaware of the porn capabilities."

The Nintendo Wii has become the best-selling video game console in the United States, outselling Microsoft and Sony competitors in the month of January, 2007. Because of its success many websites have taken advantage of its online capability. Several companies have changed the look and functionality of their web sites to accommodate the Wii. The porn industry is also implementing these changes to their sites. Porn websites are taking the look of the Wii's home page and menus and modeling their own sites after them. Porn sites are even converting their video clips so that they can run on the Wii.

So the solution lies in parents getting the facts and then talking to their children about expectations for online activity. Foster believes that, "Whether it is the home computer or these new gaming consoles, porn is easily accessible. The Wii is an amazing console and tons of fun but parents need good info on how to keep kids safe."

About is an innovative web resource that helps parents talk to their kids about porn and internet dangers. The site features conversation starters, videos, a weekly podcast, parent's stories and other resources. Contributors to the site include child advocates, pastors, therapists, and kids themselves.




The situation is a bit different from Home. To view the porn you have to seek it out using the browser, which can be done from any computer anyways. Whereas in Home and other social MMOs the pervs seek you out.

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It's why I lost interest in online PC gaming and why I abandoned Second Life after a brief trial. I'm no prude, anything but.

But listening to vulgar obscenities about sex without any of the physical or emotional rewards of actually having sex is about as pleasurable as carrying out the garbage for a wonderful restaurant at which you never get to eat.


Jackasses minus the humping involved on home

Tsk, tsk... this is sad what losers.

This is no big deal though, block or mute them why make such a big deal out of this geb? Ooooohhhhh right, anything to bash the PS3, gotcha.

At anyrate this is no real issue and can be dealt with like its nothing, reporting is fun, getting Home people banned.

I just wish it was like VGChartz were it could be "Reason for Ban: Being a Pervert Fill in the Blank"

Awesome pop! btw, doesnt this count as a trolling topic since the TC doesnt own a PS3? i remember some other dude getting banned due to starting a topic about the RRoD.