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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony’s Home 3D World Already Turning To Sex


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SpartanFX said:

you don't own PS3 and it's not your duty,,

I can post article every 3 hours about someone reporting a RROD article but i don't do that cause I don't own a 360 and I don't care for it.

but you on the other hand go out of your way to post something negative about PS3 which in this case could be experience of 10-20% of people going to home.

find more article for 360 and post it there.

I'd love to read a recent article from CNN, Wall Street Journal or Bloomberg about the RROD. It's news - and news comes in all flavors. If you want just 100 percent positive news on your said console, do you know what that's called? PROPAGANDA. If you want the truth about your console, then you want news. If you want to hear favorable news 24/7, you need to look for propaganda.

So what if he posts PS3 news, and yes, it is news. He owes you or anyone on here an explanation. You could always just ignore the thread and keep moving.

Why should *bad* news shock you or upset you? It shouldn't. Just ignore and keep moving - unless you are having doubts about your purchase.

When the 360 and Wii hate was at a feverish pitch, I coulda cared less. I am pleased with my purchases and don't care what folks have to say, unless it's a lie. Then, I definitely feel the need to correct them.