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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft Cleanup Hitter for 2009 will be.....

Strategyking92 said:
Alan Wake might be able to sell over 1 million, I don't have high hopes it will be HUGE unless MS markets the hell out of it like gears 1 or Halo 3.

Forza 3 will either come out Q4 this year or sometime in 09.
APB will come out, Huxley will also, somes Rare games.
star ocean
Halo: Recon
Fable 2 expansion/lost chapters?

Hmmm, I am not sure. There is 1 expansion next week, and it is certainly possible there will be a second, but nothing major (they do still have 150 gs to play with). I would assume they are focusing on Dimitri, or getting F3 out within a decent timescale {I doubt we will see it on 360 though}

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About Lionhead, Fable 2 is the first game they have released since 2005, so they must have something else nearly ready

I say Forza 3... at least that's the one I am looking forward to.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


yeah Mass Effect 2 want sale, its just a accident every post with i just got a 360 what games should i get it shows up somewhere on a recommendation.

Yep, i'm a girl

I've never even played the original Mass Effect...


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


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You guys know that Bioware is now owned by EA so if there is Mass Effect 2 it may probably be multi-platform?

I would personally like to see a new Jet Force Gemini on 360. That would make an awsome game.

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Zombl337 said:
PERFECT DARK already established franchise with great gameplay. Refine the N64 version's gameplay, add online play, sweet new storyline, and you have a MEGA HIT!

You mean like Perfect Dark Zero...


Asmo said:

You guys know that Bioware is now owned by EA so if there is Mass Effect 2 it may probably be multi-platform?


 LOL. So Bioware are gonna rework an engine that took them 3 years to originally optimize the 360 version. Just to get number 2 out on PS3? Also you have to play number 1 to understand anything, as the second kicks right from where it left. You can also use your previous character with all level ups in the second game. There is imo a 1% chance ME 2 will come to PS3.

On top of that, M$ own the rights to the first game so there is no chance of PS3 owners ever playing that one unless they buy a PS3.

aww, i was hoping they could release 3 mini expansions, and package them as one big expansion later on in the year.

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