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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft Cleanup Hitter for 2009 will be.....

outlawauron said:
craighopkins said:
a Mature rated Killer Instinct 3 would be nice

A fighting game will never be the big hitter for any company.



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I really don't kow what is left to be announced.

Forza 3, project gotham, Perfect Dark, Killer Instinct, Alan Wake, Mass effect 3. Those are th only ones I can think of.

Unless Bungie and/or Epic can deliver an Original IP like the first Halo or First Gear. Like I said, a few more months and we should be hearing some official announcement.

CES is on the the 8th with Steve Ballmer @ keynote. We should expect to hear something then...

coolestguyever said:
Like its not really a "killer app" but Splinter Cell conviction should be out 09.

That should be an important release, no doubt.

MS has held its 2009 cards VERY close.  Maybe closer than any year prior.  WHAT are their titles for next year?    We will see . . .


Gears of War 3 or Halo 4 is likely to appear on XBox 360 in 2010. That will be a huge block buster. I assume GT 5 will come in late 2009 on PS3 and be PS3's GOTY eclipsing KZ2.
2011 either Halo 4 or Gears of War 3 will appear on the new XBox in 2011 and it could also appear on XBox 360 as well.

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Halo Wars in the spring and Halo Recon in the fall. It'll be a one two punch with each of them selling at least 2M in two months. I don't think either will be as big as Halo 3 or Gears, but combined they could come close.

Yet, today, America's leaders are reenacting every folly that brought these great powers [Russia, Germany, and Japan] to ruin -- from arrogance and hubris, to assertions of global hegemony, to imperial overstretch, to trumpeting new 'crusades,' to handing out war guarantees to regions and countries where Americans have never fought before. We are piling up the kind of commitments that produced the greatest disasters of the twentieth century.
 — Pat Buchanan – A Republic, Not an Empire

deathgod33 said:
MS didnt really have a huge game to attack ps3 this year.
next year, im guessing Killer Instinct 3

Apart from Fable 2 and Gears of War 2.... what more do you want!

damndl0ser said:
blizzid said:

Killer Instinct 3 would be little more than a niche title, not a Halo-/Gears-style heavy-hitter.

The Halo 3 expansion and Mass Effect 2 will probably be their biggest titles next holiday season. You never know, though; there's always the possibility of a new IP blowing everyone away the way the first Gears did. Of course, Sony or Nintendo could just as easily have such a new IP instead.


That may be possible for the Wii, however I think Sony can't keep their collective mouths shut about anything.  Thats why they talk up games 4 years out ( which still pisses me off severely).

You realise there are 3-4 rumoured games which are said to look amazing, but have not been announced. For M$ we don't really know, because we can't theorize where they are going to come from

But for Sony, there is the rumoured Japanese game, the Sony Liverpool action game, another Sony London game, {next ratchet is pretty much confirmed} as well as the most recent rumour that there are 5 RPGs in development at Sony


OT: I don't think Microsoft are going to have a massive game this year. Unfortunately, Mass Effect 2 is not big enough to fall into that category (though it does deserve it) and I don't think Recon does as well, I certainly doubt it will move hardware (though I did say that about GeoW 2...). Alan Wake certainly won't be that game, and I don't really know what they could have up their sleeve. Maybe the GTA IV DLC is what they expect to be big?

360 Music!!

flagship said:
Doom 4 + Mass Effect 2.


 Mass Effect 2

I have a funny feeling Mass Effect 2 will be the game of the generation. The first was amazing. Cant wait to see where this story goes.