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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft Cleanup Hitter for 2009 will be.....

Mass Effect 2 and hopefully Alan Wake. Obviously both halo games next year will sell at least 2-3 million.

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Thats it ^^

So in 2009 Sony may end up with a game list than X360 for a change. 2010 will be XBox 360 with a better game list than PS3.

Duke Nukem Forever as an Exclusive.

Megaton of the gen if it is.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

Microsoft surely have several unannounced titles as always up their sleeves.

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well it will bound to happen that the PS3 titles will hit in stride.

But like I said earlier, If GOW3 and GTA5 would hit in 2009, what is left for Sony in 2010?

I think Microsoft might take a cue form Nintendo this year and rely on Price, introducing a Wii mote device and games like KI3, Alan Wake, and Mass Effect 2, and Halo Recon will help them through the year.

And in 2010, they will released Halo Chronicles in Sep and GeoW3 in Nov and with a lower price (360 sim perhaps), along with an established fanbase and support, they will have momemtum to carry them to the release of the xbox 720 in fall of 2011. Halo 4 will be the relase killer app along with a new Project Gotham Racing game, and Mass Effect 3 and Microsoft.

I predict by 2011, Microsoft will be supporting 3 consoles.
1. xbox 720 will be the most powerful gaming system and their bead and butter.

2. the 360 will have he CPU and GPU integrated into a sexy slim form with included Wii mote like device to compete with the Wii and Wii HD.

3. Also, a portable zune (xboy) will be availble and all games will be distributed with Live Anywhere and d/l through 360 and 720.

That is my dram prediction and I hope some of it will come true.

Killer Instinct 3 would be little more than a niche title, not a Halo-/Gears-style heavy-hitter.

The Halo 3 expansion and Mass Effect 2 will probably be their biggest titles next holiday season. You never know, though; there's always the possibility of a new IP blowing everyone away the way the first Gears did. Of course, Sony or Nintendo could just as easily have such a new IP instead.

Like its not really a "killer app" but Splinter Cell conviction should be out 09.

Rare will have 2-3 games out next year. Maybe one will be Conker, KI3, or Perfect Dark.

PERFECT DARK already established franchise with great gameplay. Refine the N64 version's gameplay, add online play, sweet new storyline, and you have a MEGA HIT!

360 will outsell PS3 YTD for 2008. (CHECK!)
360 will have the best showing at E3 & TGS in 2009
2009 will be another year for the 360 over PS3
End OF 2009 SALES :: 360 - 40M;  PS3 - 30M; Wii - 70M