@mjk45, no i just dont understand what i said why it got too u. it was my opinion and a fellow rpg agreed with me on. look i will say this one final thing then pls either drop it alright. i buy every rpg for the 360 that comes out, and i also buy rpg's for the ps3 that i really like on the ps3 as well, like oblivion,fallout 3,enchanted arms,eternal sonata. all these games i own on the 360 as well, i only do that with rpg's like i said i really like them. the reason i am buying ff13 on both systems is because i always wanted to play a main ff game on a xbox system and now i will finally get the chance. and getting ff13 on ps3 because it goes with my ff collection for the playstation brand. yes i will also be buying last remnant for the ps3 as well, i wont be buying sacred 2:fallen angel on the ps3 because i have friends who will play it with me on the 360. and u said u checked my post history and they say about me wanting title x on my rpg machine 360, so what its the truth. its been the rpg machine this gen for me and i think it will stay that way for awhile. i also have had many times over about getting rpg's after rpg's for my wii as well. untill more rpg's come out on the ps3 i wont be posting about wanting this game or that game for the ps3. wkc is a rpg that i am looking for alot, even though its a new game. because of playing with ppl online, sorta like a mini-mmorpg element, which excites me. if u still dont understand that, then u never will understand and i am sorry u cant see why.