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Is anybody going to be picking up Grand Knights History up for the PSP? i like the look of that game! also does anybody know whether psp games play on psvita? and has anybody played Trails in the Sky for psp and is it worth picking up??

PSN ID: Stokesy 

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StokedUp said:
Is anybody going to be picking up Grand Knights History up for the PSP? i like the look of that game! also does anybody know whether psp games play on psvita? and has anybody played Trails in the Sky for psp and is it worth picking up??

If Grand Knights History is coming to PSN, theres a chance to be able to play it on vita, though i think the dev's would need to give some kind of confirmation on that, since i am not sure if every psp game in the store is compatible. also, i need to look it up, i am in newfound love with the PSP, so new games are always appreciated.


Also: Finished Xenoblade, started The Last Story yesterday.  From what i see so far, people really need to stop yelling how awesome Xenoblade is compared to TLS.. well, Xeno is superior in terms of Gameplay, Scale and value, but.. its like comparing a Tales game to a FF Game.. doesnt work out, and i love how inconventional TLS tends to be! (But the framerate is pretty shabby at times.. but i've grown to be able to ignore it, just like i did with Lost Odyssey, but dont expect it to run as smooth as Xenoblade)

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!

in all honest ive only just really found out about Grand Knights History by accident and looking at videos and peoples views (who have played it) it has gone up massively in my most wanted games. Its a shame that it seems it is looking a bit grim for it as nobody knows what exactly is happening with it, it should have been released by now but theres no word. i hope that the localization is going ahead and they hit us with a really close release date.

PSN ID: Stokesy 

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StokedUp said:
Is anybody going to be picking up Grand Knights History up for the PSP? i like the look of that game! also does anybody know whether psp games play on psvita? and has anybody played Trails in the Sky for psp and is it worth picking up??

Yes Trails does work on vita and yes it is worth a pick up .

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

OK guys so im seriously thinking of buying a PS vita either today or this week. There's just a couple of questions ive got.
-will my CURRENT PSP games play on it? they are on the UMD discs. also a few downloaded ones or will i have to rebuy (which will be a killer). The ones im bothered about are Persona 3 portable(UMD) Valkyria chronicles 2(UMD) and Final Fantasy 7(download)
-can you transfer PSP saves over to the PSVITA?

Thanks my RPG buddies

PSN ID: Stokesy 

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StokedUp said:
OK guys so im seriously thinking of buying a PS vita either today or this week. There's just a couple of questions ive got.
-will my CURRENT PSP games play on it? they are on the UMD discs. also a few downloaded ones or will i have to rebuy (which will be a killer). The ones im bothered about are Persona 3 portable(UMD) Valkyria chronicles 2(UMD) and Final Fantasy 7(download)
-can you transfer PSP saves over to the PSVITA?

Thanks my RPG buddies

I may be wrong here, but I think you have to re-download every PSP game that you own on UMD for the PS Vita, since it doesn't have a UMD reader, but the UMD passport system that was in place on Japan hasn't been implemented in the West so far.

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is super robot wars Z2 part 2

it is so amazing

ive ordered my PSVita :) i took a bus to the citycentre but the shops selling them were far too much, around 40-100 pound more than amazonUK. So i just ordered one with a 16gb card i should have that by wednesday! :)

PSN ID: Stokesy 

Add me if you want but let me know youre from this website

StokedUp said:
ive ordered my PSVita :) i took a bus to the citycentre but the shops selling them were far too much, around 40-100 pound more than amazonUK. So i just ordered one with a 16gb card i should have that by wednesday! :)

keep us up to date with your first impressions! ^o^


@topic: finished the Last Story. people SERIOUSLY need to stop comparing it to Xenoblade, cuz this undersells both titles.

TLS itself is, IMO, a masterpiece. i love it. BUT it has some serious issues, and its far to short. (needed 20 Hours to finish it.. i need TLS2 NAO!)

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!

i just sold my psvita today, i was excited about the device when it came out, but over time the excitement has completely worn off. i am gonna focus all my handheld gaming to my zelda 3ds system and my psp 3000 model.
also just started finished : xenoblade today as well. a very well made game, overall enjoyed it alot and now its : the last story's time.
would score xenoblade 9.5/10