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Forums - Gaming Discussion - RPG Genre Discussion Thread

@Ssenkah ,so your saying i should go for a threesome you wicked boy, Sony needs a bigger bed

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

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I'm playing smt : Strange Journey it's not to shabby got that old school feel about it.

after that next up on DS is Devil Survivor

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

paper mario, FF:CC echos of time, and or crystal chronicles

@mjk45: Conjecture is great and all, so lets take it to the EXTREME!  Foursome with Xseed!

Oh, did you finish up Hexyz Force?  I finally beat the Clerics part, about to start over as Levant.

@Ssenkah ,hexzy force is coming along very nice it is to me one of those games that gets better and better and i love the characters from my side and the humour i would estimate that I'm about a 3rd of the way through my half of the game ,we have to find out how robo's doing with it, regards a foursome I have gone weak in the legs you will have to continue without me i know you can do it it's like the joke told in the movie colors ,two bulls where standing on a grassy hill eying off a group of cows the young bull said to the old bull why dont we run down there and fuck some of them cows,but the old bull says no lets walk down there instead and fuck em all

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

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@ssenkahdavic, i dont think we will get a new dark cloud game or a sequel for rogue galaxy this gen, at the rate sony is putting effort into the rpg genre.





 @Robo,ithink Sony would be loathe to do do anything with those two titles on PS3 without level 5 being involved, and since they seem to be busy with WKC and DQ for SE,i dont know   what is instore, maybe spin them off to psp?

by the way Robo hows hexzy force coming allong and what side are you playing

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

I know this is off subject but do any of you use the digital comic feature on the psp i do , and continuing on is there a comic/graphic novel who's world or story would make a good video game setting, i subscribe to heavy metal magazine and one of my favourite series is Mills an Ledroits REQUIEM it takes place in resurrection a place  after death one goes to wait to be reincarnated , it is ruled by different factions, vampires  are lead by Dracula and in this place the worse you where  on earth the more power you have, the worst becoming  vampires addicted to black opium, religious zealots become werewolves lead by Torquemada,those into greed,capitalism and empire , become reptilian and there empire apes the British empire led by a queen then there are the scientists who live in floating pyramids and are called architects ,sky borne pirates led by a former corrupt female police officer ,and the rebellion  is led by victims of past atrocities on earth these   are ghostly creatures, All are scheming to destroy necropolis and Dracula as well as lie ,cheat and destroy each other ,  this is just a little of the world as other forces inside necropolis and out are also  running there own agendas and just about all the evil people of history are there using or being used  ,it  is all these factions perverse characters brilliant art that i feel ,you could make a game  from just by using the main story line or looking at it from one or more sides

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

@mjk45: I unfortunately have not used it yet.  I have bought some but never read them (sorta like some games I buy and never end up playing....)  Requiem sounds pretty damn interesting, Ill have to check it out (is it all up in completion on the service?)  Oh yea, just got past all the cg and finally am playing Levant on NG !

@Robo:  I think Sony might get Level 5 to work on Dark Cloud 3 after they are finished with WKC 2.  Which looks a hell of a lot better than the first (which I actually enjoyed)  I just hope the combat is much quicker this time around.  Damn game screams for a jump button too (which it probably will not get)

@Ssenkah ,unfortunately requiem isn't'  on the digital comic psp service , it was started by pat mills after he left 2000AD magazine a magazine he helped create along with creating judge dredd and other 2000AD  characters he has been a fan of french graphic novels for years so moved to France to work with the artist Oliver ledroit the original requiem graphic novels are in french but heavy metal magazine  has serialized them .

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot