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Forums - Sales Discussion - Your December 31st 2009 PS3-360 Gap Predictions

$100 price drop just before KZ2 = big closing in gap


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321tttrini4everz said:
CrazzyMan said:
7 mln. in PS3 favour.


crazzyman ftw =)

I agree.


If there is gonna be a price cut for Sony, it will be after the Fiscal year which ends on March 31st. So that mean the first 3 months of 09 the sales for PS3 will be low.

The momentem won't come until at least Q2. So taking that into effect if sales pick up steam and gain somewhat on the 360, the gap would be about 6M yet again in favor of 360

3-6 million is the most likely scenario.






6 million.

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its hard to say. If ps3 gets a price cut and has a great line up then i would go with 4.5-5 million.

if not then 8 million or more.

  3DS FC: 4355-9313-6815

CrazzyMan said:
7 mln. in PS3 favour.


D= ..... but.... ahhh, screw it....

OT: around 4M in the 360's favour.

Need atleast a 50$ price cut and alot of good games.
And pray to got MS doesn't cut price.... again...

4 ≈ One

Honnestly, from 2M in 360's favour, to 5M in PS3's favour.

Lets see end of 2008 360 up by 8 million. The economy will continue to be bad through all of 2009.

Reverse beginning of 2008 sales through March 31. PS3 had momentum off of November price drop. That add's 750,000 to 360 lead. Not only will 360 have sales momentum the 360 will have momentum in the press as well. Story on mainstream sites like CNN do catch the eye of people who control the cash in a household.

So with 9 months to go 360 will have nearly a 9 million lead.

If PS3 drops $100 then expect neck and neck sales until 360 price drop in September. Expect 10 million lead at end of year for 360.

Its libraries that sell systems not a single game.

^ that's a nasty crystal ball you got there.