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Forums - Sony Discussion - Washington Times: Sony doing all in its power to “hinder” PS3

Louie said:
Guys, why exactly should Sony cancel the Ps3? Sure they are going to lose money on it but Microsoft lost much more on the original Xbox and I guess the PS3's sales as a Blu-Ray player make somewhat up for it.

I highly doubt they are going to cancel it. That would be much more expensive in the end.

Did they? I would be interested in seeing the numbers on that!

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Khuutra said:
Louie said:
Guys, why exactly should Sony cancel the Ps3? Sure they are going to lose money on it but Microsoft lost much more on the original Xbox and I guess the PS3's sales as a Blu-Ray player make somewhat up for it.

I highly doubt they are going to cancel it. That would be much more expensive in the end.

Did they? I would be interested in seeing the numbers on that!

They seem about tied to me considering that the PS2 and PSP were contributing during the PS3 era. Both fiascos seem to have cost around $4 billion.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

NJ5 said:
Zucas said:
Oh Sony fans can't be liking all this. Taste of the Wii fans daily life when they used to get everything about their console dying or ruining the industry. Ain't fun when your on the other side of the stick is it.

Sony fans have never tasted defeat before, that's also part of the problem.



 100% In agreement with you......

That is a stunning fiasco, I must say.

hm, Sony discontinuing the PS3 in early 2009? sounds a little extreme to me. In fact, it sounds outlandish and absurd to be honest, especially when considering that many PS3 exlusives are already well into development.

In all seriousness though, unless you understand the internal workings of Sony and the SCE division and their current financial situation then anything you say is pretty much uninformed and therefore likely to be off the mark (or in this case downright crazy).

What is it about the PS3 that makes people so inclined to write threads like these? Is it because a journalist in the Washington Times doesn't think the PS3 brand is doing too well? He/she likely knows as much about the internal workings and current financial situation of Sony as the next person - i.e. squat all.

Is it about the 'lower than expected sales?' Just because the PS3 is selling just under/over half the 360 sales does that automatically entail that the PS3 is doomed? So doomed in fact that they will have to terminate the PS3? Again, inferring that the PS3 is doomed because of its low sales is a slight exaggeration don't you think?

Anyway, for the record Sony have already said that they are content to let the PS3 sell as it is and adopt a more aggressive sales strategy later on.

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Retrasado said:
GianCarmen said:
Look I have been a Nintendo fan since the late 1980's, and I dont care much for the sony PS3. But hearing all this doom and gloom is kind of a stretch. Sony is not going anywhere for a while and the PS3 will still be here in 2009. It sounds like everyone is saying that it is the end of the line for the PS3 should just stop. They can still compete and I am sure that they will be around for a long time. The playstation brand is still strong, maybe they will be third this generation but they can still suceed.


People said the same thing about Nintendo last gen and look where they are now. The problem for Sony is after two years on the market, the PS3 is still more than the Xbox 360 was at lauch. When you add in the fact that the $200 360 will do 90% of the things the PS3 can and has (arguably) a better gaming experience, I'm frankly amazed the PS3 is selling 400000 units/week in this economy. Next gen, they will have learned their lesson, PSN/Home will have caught up (or nearly caught up) to XBL, and they won't have Kutaragi's ghost haunting them every step of the way. I doubt they'll be in first place next gen, but they'll have a hell of a better time of it than this gen.


Maybe ...

Nintendo's "Fall from grace" was (roughly) the same size as Sony's fall with the PS3, but it took several generations for them to fall that far. At the same time, Nintendo didn't wake up one day and become amazingly successful with the Wii and Nintendo DS, there were lots of signs of Nintendo trying to correct the mistakes of the past (and a change in their philosophy) with the Gamecube.

In order for their to be hope of Sony making a comeback in future generations there first has to be signs that Sony "Gets it" and is making moves to correct the mistakes they have made with the PSP and PS3. If Sony decides to take a similar approach to how they handled digital music players, and makes Minidisc players when people wanted iPods, they could fall much further.


Khuutra said:
That is a stunning fiasco, I must say.

The price of not even understanding why they won the two previous generations. At least they don't look like they understand it. Perhaps they should check the water pipes at Sony's HQ...


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

cura said:
hm, Sony discontinuing the PS3 in early 2009? sounds a little extreme to me. In fact, it sounds outlandish and absurd to be honest, especially when considering that many PS3 exlusives are already well into development.

In all seriousness though, unless you understand the internal workings of Sony and the SCE division and their current financial situation then anything you say is pretty much uninformed and therefore likely to be off the mark (or in this case downright crazy).

What is it about the PS3 that makes people so inclined to write threads like these? Is it because a journalist in the Washington Times that doesn't think the PS3 brand is doing too well? He/she likely knows as much about the internal workings and current financial situation of Sony as the next person - i.e. squat all.

Is it about the 'lower than expected sales?' Just because the PS3 is selling just under/over half the 360 sales does that automatically entail that the PS3 is doomed? So doomed in fact that they will have to terminate the PS3? Again, inferring that the PS3 is doomed because of its low sales is a slight exaggeration don't you think?

Anyway, for the record Sony have already said that they are content to let the PS3 sell as it is and adopt a more aggressive sales strategy later on.


Except that a more agressive sales strategy later on is unlikely to change much ...

Whether or not people accept it, articles like this are a very bad sign for a console because they help shape uninformed consumers' opinions of products. Heading into Christmas 2008, a lot of people will see articles like this on Google News or another news aggregator and start thinking "There is no way I'm going to spend $400 on a system that is struggling and may be discontinued in 12 months."

The result of that kind of thinking is that the system struggles through the holiday season, gets destroyed in sales, and news stories about holiday sales restate the same opinions about how poor the system's future is and re-enforce people's opinions about the system. After years of this, it doesn't matter whether the system is $99 and it has the 100+ best games available for it because people will "Know" that the system is overpriced, unpopular, and will soon be discontinued.

When it comes to consoles, if you can't sell your system today you won't be able to sell it tomorow.

But, it is too late to change something to PS3 hardware or to dramatically reduce the price

It is just too late

Now, PS3 has to do her best despite her flaw, that is all.

Sony can't stop economic crysis, reduce the PS3 price, or make xbox360 games look worse ...

At least, PS3/360 library is still the best one ...

Time to Work !

Are you retarded?! Did you say they may release the ps4 when the ps3 has only been out for 2 years and I dont really think the PS4 is even in development . . . actually seeing that the ps3 isnt doing to well it probably already is.

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E


Consoles owned: Game Cube, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance, Nintendo DS, PSP, PS1, PS2, PS3.

My prediction: NATAL WILL NOT help 360 sales. Maybe a 50-100k boost week 1, then a 30-70 k boost week 2, and back to the norm again after 3-5 weeks.