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hm, Sony discontinuing the PS3 in early 2009? sounds a little extreme to me. In fact, it sounds outlandish and absurd to be honest, especially when considering that many PS3 exlusives are already well into development.

In all seriousness though, unless you understand the internal workings of Sony and the SCE division and their current financial situation then anything you say is pretty much uninformed and therefore likely to be off the mark (or in this case downright crazy).

What is it about the PS3 that makes people so inclined to write threads like these? Is it because a journalist in the Washington Times doesn't think the PS3 brand is doing too well? He/she likely knows as much about the internal workings and current financial situation of Sony as the next person - i.e. squat all.

Is it about the 'lower than expected sales?' Just because the PS3 is selling just under/over half the 360 sales does that automatically entail that the PS3 is doomed? So doomed in fact that they will have to terminate the PS3? Again, inferring that the PS3 is doomed because of its low sales is a slight exaggeration don't you think?

Anyway, for the record Sony have already said that they are content to let the PS3 sell as it is and adopt a more aggressive sales strategy later on.