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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What Was The Last Video Game You Replayed Because It Was Fun

SSX Tricky

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Super Mario Galaxy was most recent.

Twilight Princess was most often.

This morning - Disgaea 3
And b4 that, Last Night - Little Big Planet, then Disgaea3 till about 2:40am.

And now I'm stuck at work.... :(

EDIT: If you're talking about replaying for fun,

Two days ago I started Burnout Paradise over again had a BLAST.
The day b4 I started MGS4 over again on BigBoss Hard.

EDIT2: Oh, and I've beaten the PS2 version of Resident Evil 4 atleast 12 times!!! One of the best games ever IMO.

4 ≈ One

Kirby Super Star Ultra

Ocarina of Time for me. xD

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I've actually been buying a lot of new games recently @_@ (mostly anime games lulz.)
so the last one I replayed.... probably Wario Land: Shake It

the game I've replayed most- FE7... I've beat that game like 20 times, maybe even +

Currently replaying Metroid Prime 3. Before that, Gears of War 2. Before that, it was Tomb Raider Legend and Tomb Raider Anniversary. Before that, I played tennis with my sister.

The last ones I replayed cause they were fun were RE4, Mario 64, Mega Man 2 and Mass Effect (currently replaying Chrono trigger for the first time since the SNES release hehe).

Sadly I don't think I"ll have a lot of time to do that anymore with work and all. I'm so backed up on games that its play one, beat it and move on to the next now. Even then I doubt I"ll ever catch up to the all the unopened games I have sitting here -_-

^^^It's sad. I have a lot of games I haven't finished the tutorial on, and a few highly rated games (Condemned 2, Splinter Cell Double Agent, Crackdown) that I haven't even put into my consoles yet. Yet, I still find time to replay games like Resident Evil 4:Wii, Gears 1 & 2, and Mario Galaxy. One day, when I go totally broke, I'm going to have a ton of games to keep me occupied.

d21lewis said:
^^^It's sad. I have a lot of games I haven't finished the tutorial on, and a few highly rated games (Condemned 2, Splinter Cell Double Agent, Crackdown) that I haven't even put into my consoles yet. Yet, I still find time to replay games like Resident Evil 4:Wii, Gears 1 & 2, and Mario Galaxy. One day, when I go totally broke, I'm going to have a ton of games to keep me occupied.


I completely understand and agree with you. One day we'll get around to it.  I think I'm going to have to take a few months off though to do it hehe.