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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Yes another HOME thread, but a different take more than "its good/it sucks"

Sephiroth357 said:
KylieDog said:
I would like the ability to punch people, as well as buy guns and shoot them, I would also like them to add cars which you can steal, and perhaps add a few ramps you could drive over and fly through the air in slow motion with, we should be able to buy multiple properties, and perhaps go treasure hunting for a hidden package of some sort, a few missions wouldn't be bad either.


 Does such a thing exist?

No, but if it did, reviewers across the world would give it 10/10.


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Seraphic_Sixaxis said:

I'd love to see alot of 3rd party areas but then again 3rd party devs will be "Going B3yond" later down the line anyway so... and user created content such as cloths and stuff via some sort of dev kit @ a cost, sort of like S2L and IMVU, that'd be badass in HD.

There alot more i'd like to add but im far to lazy at the moment ^_~

The iPhone was cool, yet rather ineffective until over a year after its release. It was only after the App Store released did it become the "uberdevice" without hacking.

Personally, I think Home is a crap idea, doubly so because Sony appears to be using it as an advertising device on top of charging for things that should be free.

I'll give Sony the same benefit of the doubt before declaring Home as fail. But as it stands right now, they're damned close to "fail" levels. At least the iPhone had purely magical links to other devices (iTunes and movies) before the App Store released. Right now, Sony has nothing. There is not a goddamned thing that draws me to their service.

Sony is MS gone wrong right now. At least MS had the smarts to follow Apple's model with a unified device. Charge for it, make it work... Sony is just wandering around and picking up ideas.


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You really hate sony and home dont you rockect? well regardless i respect your opinion.

And to some point agree they've screwed up alot that could have been epic, but at the very least i see a huge amount of detail and untapped power in Home and a few other things, its just a hunch though.

rocketpig - I looked into it the clan is a one time deal. People are just assuming i will have monthly fees but one of the guys who is in charge of home said one time thing

I'd love to see a conference room where real people could be invited to have a debate with home users. We can imagine god of war 3 producer shortly introducing his game and then answering questions, or politicians, economists, writers talking about philosophy and other stuffs and then having a debate.

Concerning pure gaming, they have to do something with trophies, like being rewarding in virtual credits when you have platinum and gold trophies (50 cents a gold, 1€ a platinum).

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Well the thing is that you can have a high level without having any platinum or gold trophies, but simply buy buying a lot of games. So "good" gamers should be rewarded too.

KylieDog said:
Tremble said:

Concerning pure gaming, they have to do something with trophies, like being rewarding in virtual credits when you have platinum and gold trophies (50 cents a gold, 1€ a platinum).


I'd rather it be based on gamer levels, like a level 1 can get certain clothes and items, a level 2 different ones, a level 3 even more, and so forth.


I know I will not spend 1 penny on a T-shirt when Sony are getting money already from Home through in-game advertising already.


Perhaps a Resistance theme outfit for a platinum resistance trophy for example too, but nothing more.


 I know millions will.

I Love it!!!!!!!!!!!

*Al Bundy's My Hero*


*Al Bundy For President*

Waiting On GT7!!!

 PSN ID: Acidfacekiller

Didn't see the edit ;) So yeah something like that would be cool too (Look everyone, I got the platinum trophy and I want you to know ^^). I don't really care what it will be, but there has to be something for platinum trophies owners!

KylieDog said:
Tremble said:

Concerning pure gaming, they have to do something with trophies, like being rewarding in virtual credits when you have platinum and gold trophies (50 cents a gold, 1€ a platinum).


I'd rather it be based on gamer levels, like a level 1 can get certain clothes and items, a level 2 different ones, a level 3 even more, and so forth.


I know I will not spend 1 penny on a T-shirt when Sony are getting money already from Home through in-game advertising already.


Perhaps a Resistance theme outfit for a platinum resistance trophy for example too, but nothing more.

Or perhaps a Resistance shirt can be sold from Insomniac.

Jesus Christ, do you people not understand that unless you're "epic" (think Blizzard), you can't get away with this shit?

You're a hit, you get the media blizt. Home doesn't have that. There is no way Home has the kind of impact, you can quote me on that.

Therefore, it will FAIL. Microsoft is right on that point. They ain't right on many in this sphere, but they're right on that.


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