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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Let's stop with the delusional threads shall we?

The final delusion:

Believing you can impose rationality on the internet by decree.

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bugrimmar said:

No more "wii is destroying gaming", "wii owners are missing out on great exclusives", "sony is selling amazingly for its price", "cell power will separate PS3 from the rest", "Killzone 2 will have a PS3 price cut and it will sell 10 million", "Forza 3 will outsell GT5 (i really saw this)", and all other delusional blind statements. Please? It's getting old, and it's getting annoying. The more you say idiotic things like this, the more desperate and delusional you look.

and above all, it makes the rest of the gaming community look bad.


while the wording is poor how is this delusional? With the poor state of the world's economy and competing consoles priced at around half the price the PS3 is selling quite well considering all the negatives against it.

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kinda like

"Only the Sith deals in Absolutes"

when it is also an absolute claim.



Proud member of the Sonic Support Squad.

misterd said:
The final delusion:

Believing you can impose rationality on the internet by decree.

This post wins.


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End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

bigjon said:


Are there absolutely no absolutes, or are there a few absolutes?

Hah! Backed into a corner!

Just don't enter these 'delusional' threads. Let the people say what they want, and you don't have to listen to them. Problem solved.

PSN- williwod

Remember, there are no stupid questions. Just stupid people- Mr Garrison

whacker41 said:
Just don't enter these 'delusional' threads. Let the people say what they want, and you don't have to listen to them. Problem solved.


 This. Keep your good work Bugry and leave those ... threads.

Go buy Metroid OTHER M!

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Wii _only_ owners are missing out on great exclusives. Which is true for whichever console this gen.