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Forums - Sony Discussion - Homes good stop puttin it down

Theres one main reason why i am and will be using home, to see games.. every game will get its own area where u can look at pics watch videos etc etc. the psn doesnt really let u have any idea as to what the game looks like or is about. all they have on the psn is a lil icon... its a cash cow and sony is going to rake into.

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It's not a game! It's a free social service application beta. Yea that's right. And at the moment (it just came out yesterday) it's not that great but it has potential so lean back and see what happens.

Don't Worry.....Be Happy


Go to Gametrailers, you can see it all there

I just downloaded it. Actually, it's a lot better than I was expecting, especially after all the negative things I've read about it here.

Downloading was quick and easy, I didn't find character creation too complicated at all, and whilst the framte rate was a little jittery, that wasn't really a big deal.

Whilst there isn't much to do, that really isn't the point of Home, and I can't help but feel that everyone complaining about that is completely missing the point of the whole thing. It's all about meeting people and talking with them. It's a glorified chat room. The games and videos and stuff are just a bonus.

And during the ten minutes I spent it Home, I saw plenty of people chatting and laughing together. (And several female avatars being mobbed by attentive male ones.)

I'll probably never load it up again, though. Home it about virtual socialising, and that just doesn't appeal to me, introvert that I am. But I can see it being really popular with other people.

I'll stick to following games on the internet. It's worked out well for me so far.

4 ≈ One

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CaptDS9E this is nicer because u can move ur guy around, play some mini games and chat with ur buds. virtual bowling lol

If it's free then it's good. I pretty much don't see where this thing is going, right from the start. So I'll just give it a "ok.. fine! whatever.."

It'll get better over time. But as it is, it's petty dull.

So dull that I eventually resorted to harrassing female users, which I promised myself I wouldn't :P

--OkeyDokey-- said:
It'll get better over time. But as it is, it's petty dull.

So dull that I eventually resorted to harrassing female users, which I promised myself I wouldn't :P


Stop that! You'll scare them away and there's not that many of them anyways.

Don't Worry.....Be Happy


Gearbox said:
CaptDS9E this is nicer because u can move ur guy around, play some mini games and chat with ur buds. virtual bowling lol

I can play online games, and chat with my buds without home.