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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - awesome new trailer for madoworld

stof said:
Chrizum said:
I wasn't really interested in the game, but this trailer made very curious. It looks pretty cool.



How interested will you be when it breaks a million in sales?



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super_etecoon said:
Looks like Running Man meets Sin City.

This game is definitely on my radar....but I'm hoping to see some gameplay other than inventive death scenarios.


I'll be frank, even if it was just a beat-em-up type of game, I'm still gonna buy it, if only because of the awesome Sin City vibe (thogh there's too much white and not nough black imo).

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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That was a pretty good trailer. However, I wonder if my eyes will be able to absorb the black and white (and red) for long periods of time. This might be a game that I play in smaller sessions (~45 minutes) as opposed to 2-3 hour chunks.

I wish this was multiplatform!

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Nice madworld ftw.