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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Awesome !!! Final fantasy 13 & Versus 13 Trailer .

Slimebeast said:
lol @ Sony fans who praise FF13 Verses just because it's exclusive to PS3.


Why can't they like it more just because of the fact that it looks MUCH better?

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Euphoria14 said:
Slimebeast said:
lol @ Sony fans who praise FF13 Verses just because it's exclusive to PS3.


Why can't they like it more just because of the fact that it looks MUCH better?


 It looks much worse than XIII actually, not nearly as interesting setting and characters and the art style of XIII is superb.

Oniichan said:
Slimebeast said:


There was 4 games planned for this series but its now only 3.

Final Fantasy XIII - PS360

Final Fantasy Versus XIII - PS3

Final Fantasy Agito XIII - PSP

Final Fantasy Haeresis XIII - Cancelled

Nothing was cancelled. Haerasis wasnt even announced and is just a name SE registered. Haerasis XIII is most likely their new MMO, which currently known as "Rapture" and was announced 3 years ago.

 Edit: sorry double post

Someone needs to upload the whole 50 min DVD, There has to be some gameplay snippets of these games on it...

Rei said:
Euphoria14 said:
Slimebeast said:
lol @ Sony fans who praise FF13 Verses just because it's exclusive to PS3.


Why can't they like it more just because of the fact that it looks MUCH better?


 It looks much worse than XIII actually, not nearly as interesting setting and characters and the art style of XIII is superb.




Around the Network
Rei said:
Euphoria14 said:
Slimebeast said:
lol @ Sony fans who praise FF13 Verses just because it's exclusive to PS3.


Why can't they like it more just because of the fact that it looks MUCH better?


 It looks much worse than XIII actually, not nearly as interesting setting and characters and the art style of XIII is superb.

well, before watching those two trailers XIII was more appealling to me, but after watching them i am diggin versus more, a lot more.


luisgvm said:
Rei said:
Euphoria14 said:
Slimebeast said:
lol @ Sony fans who praise FF13 Verses just because it's exclusive to PS3.


Why can't they like it more just because of the fact that it looks MUCH better?


It looks much worse than XIII actually, not nearly as interesting setting and characters and the art style of XIII is superb.

well, before watching those two trailers XIII was more appealling to me, but after watching them i am diggin versus more, a lot more.



XIII looked better until they released the last two trailers of the FFvsXIII, especially the latest FFvsXIII trailer

Rei said:
Oniichan said:
Slimebeast said:


There was 4 games planned for this series but its now only 3.

Final Fantasy XIII - PS360

Final Fantasy Versus XIII - PS3

Final Fantasy Agito XIII - PSP

Final Fantasy Haeresis XIII - Cancelled

Nothing was cancelled. Haerasis wasnt even announced and is just a name SE registered. Haerasis XIII is most likely their new MMO, which currently known as "Rapture" and was announced 3 years ago.

 Edit: sorry double post


Sorry but believe Rapture has nothing to do with the "Fabula Nova Crystallis" project. SE Japan website doesnt even state that. Haeresis was supposed to be apart of this project hence why they registered the name. But thats where it stopped so we dont know whats going on with it (whether its an MMO or RPG or what). Most believe the project was cancelled as there is no news about it anywhere on their website.

Though if Rapture turns out to be FF Haerasis XIII online mmorpg then more power to them as im all for more FF games.

the versus trailer looks sick!





RPG said:
Rei said:
Euphoria14 said:
Slimebeast said:





I think you should go see a doctor, dude.